COH2 Modding: Getting started with the official tools

Posts: 139

Posts: 3
Rumiak, are you using a language setting for the game that does not match the language of the .ucs file? It might be spitting out the keys because it can't find a file to translate it into the language you're using.
I wrote descriptions in english - just change another english text and that's all what I've done. Also, there is just a space instead of the title of the mod, when I chose it in the main menu.

Posts: 6
I did try to look for other guides but I didn't find anything that helpful.
I am completely new to modding so please bear with me and my questions.

Posts: 139
Is it possible someone could point me to a guide a little more "advanced" as I have mastered the art of increasing/decreasing units/muni cost/CP cost, but when I try to eg. add a weapon upgrade to a squad it all goes well untill the units get the upgrade that consist of invisible weapons.You may be trying a combination that just doesn't work. I wasted 3 days trying to give Volksgrenadiers an mp44 upgrade. Ended up basing them on a different troop model, and still had to use the IR mp44 to get it to work.
I don't have any idea why some combinations won't work.

Posts: 1
How DO you make a custom unit? I also seem to have screwed myself up somewhere. As my unit appears in the building I want it to be built. (The infantry HQ for the US) however when I click to build it, it 'resets' like it was canceled. it shows up in the queue but disappears quickly.
(I set the squad limit to '1', but I'd like to know how to set it to a ridiculous CD/Inability to build again, as well as give the US Captain's 'rally' but set it as a passive, like the Commissar I've seen from other tune-ups.)
I'm sure that a majority of the modders here (Janne included), would say, is to really figure things out is to explore, and in my doing so I ended up breaking some things (Warnings, and big red '!'s from my fiddling) I ended up having to start from scratch multiple times in the past week. And I think that if I manage to get a handle on creating ONE custom unit, I can figure out how to tweak and work stuff out from there.

Posts: 139
Regarding starting over, I'm doing that a lot. I have to make myself keep going to discover more problems, or else I'd never get past the restarts.

Posts: 87
PS I can't get the mod to work, I did everything as in tutorial, mod builds without errors but it doesn't show up on "tuning pack" list in game.
I'll post log from mod builder, maybe you guys can spot any error from my side
modbuilder.exe Information: 0 : Building firstmod.mod...
modbuilder.exe Information: 0 : Writing C:\Users\Kuba\Documents\firstmod\firstmod Intermediate Cache\Intermediate Files\info\
modbuilder.exe Information: 0 : D:\Gry\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2\Archive.exe -c "C:\Users\Kuba\Documents\firstmod\firstmod Intermediate Cache\ArchiveDefinition.txt" -a "C:\Users\Kuba\Documents\firstmod\firstmod.sga" -r "C:\Users\Kuba\Documents\firstmod\firstmod Intermediate Cache\Intermediate Files"
modbuilder.exe Information: 0 : Copied C:\Users\Kuba\Documents\firstmod\firstmod.sga to C:\Users\Kuba\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\tuning.
modbuilder.exe Information: 0 : Built firstmod.mod.

Posts: 13

Posts: 1

Posts: 2
Is it possible someone could point me to a guide a little more "advanced" as I have mastered the art of increasing/decreasing units/muni cost/CP cost, but when I try to eg. add a weapon upgrade to a squad it all goes well untill the units get the upgrade that consist of invisible weapons.
I did try to look for other guides but I didn't find anything that helpful.
I am completely new to modding so please bear with me and my questions.
You may be trying a combination that just doesn't work. I wasted 3 days trying to give Volksgrenadiers an mp44 upgrade. Ended up basing them on a different troop model, and still had to use the IR mp44 to get it to work.
I don't have any idea why some combinations won't work.
Back in corsix with COH 1 there was the exact same issue where weapons would appear invisible. You had to open up the units blueprint with a notepad and add in the weapons the unit was allowed to use so that it would appear as an upgrade or standard weapons (ex. giving riflemen mp44's as a default weapon.)
Im sure its probably something similar, i just haven't figured it out.

Posts: 139
Back in corsix with COH 1 there was the exact same issue where weapons would appear invisible. You had to open up the units blueprint with a notepad and add in the weapons the unit was allowed to use so that it would appear as an upgrade or standard weapons (ex. giving riflemen mp44's as a default weapon.)
Im sure its probably something similar, i just haven't figured it out.
I've had better luck changing the weapon in the combat_ext for the ebp rather than using one of the predefined upgrades, e.g. giving grenadiers mp40s, which IIRC gave invisible weapons when I tried it with an upgrade earlier.
I haven't gotten around to trying again on the VG mp44.

Posts: 6

Posts: 41 | Subs: 1
I found the scar function UI_SetAbilityCardVisibility(false)
but it only seems to hide the abilities. They are still activated, and the commander portraits still appear at the start.
Anyone have an idea what to do?

Posts: 3421 | Subs: 11
permitted_categories = intel_bulletin + skin_pack + fatality

Posts: 60 | Subs: 1
How can I make modal abilities? Like Chadster and Janne252 has done. An Ability doesn't have to be a unqiue. I would only like to know, for instance, how to make the Stuka modal ability, which does not require a commander. The ability would be above the commander abilities like in the picture.
Thanks in advance!
Chadster (c)

Posts: 139
The ability would be above the commander abilities like in the picture.
Don't know about making new abilities, but you get the positioning by setting an ability's ui_group to group_secondary.

Posts: 1
The similar problem occurs with the upgrade "LMG DP-28" for the Soviet Guards and flamethrowers for the Pioneers: "modernization is impossible, because modernization has already been done".
And... one more question: why the unit can not have LMG-42 and PzB-39 in a squad?
In the category of "upgrade" for "grenadier_mg42_lmg_mp" in the "Requirements" when you try to edit the requirements №3 (required_slot_item) and №4 (required_slot_item_size) LMG-42 disappears from the game.
Although the settings of the unit (sbps - squad_upgrade_ext - number_of_slots) indicates "-1" (Set the limit to the number of upgrades the squad can get. -1 Means unlimited upgrades.)
P.S. Sorry, my English is no good.

Posts: 41 | Subs: 1
You can disable commanders with a wincondition pack.
permitted_categories = intel_bulletin + skin_pack + fatality
Thank you, it worked like a charm.
To everyone else, I added the aforementioned line to the .Win file in the project, like this:

Posts: 3
Am having some trouble letting my paratroopers get in field bazooka upgrades. I can give them Thompsons and M1919's but cant find the upgrade for Bazookas or BAR's. I've seen it done in the Warfare mod so I know it's possible but I just can't find the upgrades upgrade/item anywhere.
Any direction is appreciated.
EDIT: So I found the easiest way, this far is to edit an existing item upgrade. I took the 1919A6 from "upgrades", cloned it and swapped all the pertinent properties out for the BAR. I also did the same with the M9 Bazooka. Really all Ihad to change was the item and descriptions. Hope this helps someone else.

Posts: 13
Ya' see, I've already created the modpack "Unit Variety Expansion Pack", and so far its going well... Though I plan to make an alternative version or a "Special edition" of it, being a separate mod pack.
So in order to create the special edition, I need to copy all the mod files, custom units, buildings and abilities from my original mod pack, to a new copy for separate editing and publishing.
The first thing I tried to do is copy the Instances and Local files of the original mod pack and place it in the same folder of the alt-version. After that, I opened up the attribute Editor and when it opens, it says that it has found errors and to check the output window.
All the errors are similar, click here to see a few examples over the like... 167 more errors.
I gave the game a try, and some custom units, along with some default units that were made build-able when they were normally aren't, of the US Army from the original modpack is missing in the alt-version, and when I gave the Soviets a try... I couldn't build any units except the conscripts! The Combat Engineers aren't even in the Soviet HQ Build list anymore. The odd thing about the Combat Engies were that the only thing edited about them, is increased 4 members to 5. That's all. Haven't tried the Ostheer and OKW, but I'm guessing they'll show similar results.
Can anyone here help me out on this one? See if there's a way to successfully transfer mod files from one pack to another for separate editing and publishing? Really need to get that alternative version going as soon as I could. Thanks a lot! ^u^