1. This is a complicated problem, I'm not going to try to say we've got it right. We're looking at the numbers daily to see how long matchmaking is taking, and how balanced matches are.
2. The goal from our perspective is to try to get you into a balanced match in a reasonable amount of time. If the system were truly working, then after we've figured out your rating and assuming you're not still getting better, then you should start winning about 50% of your matches.
3. I don't know the exact number of how many games a person should have to play before reaching their appropriate rank. We give you a higher movement range for your first X games, and then at the higher ratings ( 2100+ ? ) we slow it down even more. There are only 6 people with a rating over 2100 in 1v1 at this point. There are only 500 people with a rating over 1400
4. When we first launched coh2 the rating scale factor was a bit higher for your 'placement' games than it is now. It unfortunately meant that some people who won a lot at the very beginning ended up with a higher rating than they probably should have. As those people play more ( and lose a bit more than we'd like them to ) They will end up where their rating should be. We didn't go back and update all the ratings to match as that's work we can devote to other things, and it will balance out in the end.
tl;dr The people you're playing and beating have to play a bit more to end up in their appropriate spot. There are a lot of people at about 1400 rating ( approx where you are ), so one win or loss is a pretty big leaderboard movement near the top still. You should see pretty rapid advancement through the leaderboards if you win a lot of your games.
There are only 3 players with less than 55 games in the top 57 ( combined leaderboard ) some of them are on streaks of 18 or 19 games. Admittedly some of them haven't played since late July, so if they came back they might have a bit of trouble, but I'm pretty sure they're close to where they should be on the leaderboard.
elo rating vs leaderboard position.