“There are people who make things happen, there are people who
watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what
happened. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes
things happen." ― Jim Lovell
As March 1 approaches Quinn has been posting in several other threads as well. Its nice to see that Duffy is not only academically smart, but also "street smart". I can't say the same for Sega.
We are nearing March 1 and still nothing from Sega. Because Sega replaced the publisher that promised the game's release in March 2013 it is up to SEGA to set the record straight. If they wait until March to say the game won't be released in March that is bad public relations.
Quinn Duffy was very careful in his official statement made 1 month ago to completely avoid the topic of a release date. THis is out of the realm of his job description. Duffy does not work for a publisher. The least SEGA could do is officially nullify the comments by top level THQ officials that the game is coming out in March.
I'm just getting tired of your shameless SC2 propaganda, which is not linked to CoH2 issues but with your background/interest in SC2.
It seems advertising is a new reason to be here.
I don't understand your hostility. COH is an rts game... so is SC, isn't it natural to compare and contrast? Besides, since we have no clue as to when COH2 is coming, why not try a different RTS game? We're all just trying to have fun and help others in our little niche have fun, right?!
Previous "lack" of sales numbers
(COH plus it's 2 expansions sold about 4 million total.
500,000 of that was in the last few months in the "Humble Bundle")
Relic's current silent treatment
(Hello... anyone wanna be the CM? Its open!)
Command & Conquer's upcoming release
Starcraft's Heart of the Swarm release
(Both ranked higher than COH in the rts community)