thats why the B4 was even abused in 2v2 in HIGH RANK GAMES from Von Ivan team comps...right?
Only after a long time there came same Counterplays with an EXACT commander pick and teamplay. not this regular: i have some choises vs this unit. YOU must play an exact play to counter this easy peasy BS unit. else u was fu** hard.
Von Ivan played a 2v2 AT game on crossing the other day. He built 7 B4s across the game (6 destroyed) and it took him 60 minutes to destroy 1!!! vehicle. Perhaps if we are using Von Ivan games as a measurement, it needs buffing?
Also, I'm not sure that picking Jaeger Armour is exactly a difficult choice either. Infact any commander with an offmap + recon between the two of you is pretty easy, especially when there are commanders with both in. The fact you can Flare + dive bomb it without any way of countering it pretty easily negates the power of the B4.