This is still not an excuse.
The excuse is that it was meant to be polish in 1918 and then 2 yrs later moved to Czech Republic and that it was inhabited by polish mostly. Plus there was no invasion for Zaolzie. Hardly comparable to anything during WWII.
Damn, hardly comparable to anything what Colonists did around the whole world.
I like how some Poles forget about Munich Agreement.
Though times made by nationalistic governments around the whole Europe. Tho annexing 900km^2 space where for the long time major inhabitants were Poles, in times where everyone was trying to get even a small part of land is hardly comparable to what Soviets did.
Plus it came back to Czech Republic. |
Well for me Red Army is a bunch of bandits (sorry). You just can't call them different. They invaded my country together with Nazi, they work together with them, they slaughtered entire command of polish army etc etc
In the eyes of Russians they are probably saviours from the Nazi, but in my eyes and probably in eyes of many other nations they are not.
Showing Soviets as a heroes fighting for their country could lead to showing Nazi fighting to protect their own country (or rather territory) from the "communist plague".
It's a history. |
Problem is that in some countries symbols like swastika (in nazi context) or sicle and hammer are forbbiden.
From my POV the way how they showed Soviets Union was quite accurate.
For me they were no different than Nazi (sometimes even worse). |
I've played hundreds of matches as OKW. You honestly gonna tell me I don't understand Raks and Fausts because I haven't played as much 1v1?
Ridiculous. And your argument is leaking worse than a kubel's radiator shot up by an M3.
Excatly, because the threat from M3 is completly different in 1v1 than in any other game mode. |
We get it now man, you made your point 
It's sunday and I have whole free day.
Let me do it all day long  |
If you want OKW to be strong ealry game faction, they cannot get all the lategame things like kt, command panther, vet5 volks and obers for free. It makes no sence to have best early game and best lategame faction in 1. And unless nerfing OKW enters scope, I will much rather have UP OKW that crawls into midgame so players in OCF have to use either well designed OST or work with early game handicap rather than seeing nothing else than OKW roflstopmping everything in 80% of all matches
EDIT: If we compare current OKW to OCF OKW you can clearly see there are many improvements, volks can stand theri ground, hmg is indoctrinal, flaptrack is in medic tier instaed of mechanized and luch is in mechanized. This alone gives OKW far more options and chances to survive than they had before.
PS: If VIvan didn´t lost his flaptrack like idiot (sorry but if you let the enemy to nade it with 3 cons at once, you did something horribly wrong), he could have won his match
I don't want OKW to be strong early. I want all factions to be equally good at all stages
But again, how one pzfasut change can make OKW UP or OP roflstomping everything? Early pzfasut doesn't have any influence on rolfstomping cons/penals/maxim spam, nor rifles spam into stuart. It has just impact on M3 and M20 which is hardly a change that makes OKW UP/OP.
Raketten can cloak so if you play defensively and just focus on one fuel and two VPs closest you can keep M3 at bay and move raketten into position, sturmpioneers can also lay an early shuh mine (nothing else to spend muni on in first four minutes), also stg and kar98 together can take out m3 if it gets backed into a corner.
OKW are a defensive faction in the early game, players need to play like that is the case, and then start to build up to their powerful mid/late game tech. That's how they're meant to work.
So as OKW I need to give up 70% of the map and crawl around my 30% so M3 won't rekt me?
OKW is far from defensive faction. Powerful SP, 5 men Volks, quick Kubel, Luchs, mobile raketten - nothing suits for the role of defensive faction. If you consider OKW as a defensive then what about OST? Ultra defensive faction?
You just adapt OKW role as a defensive to justify no counters for M3.
Not to mention that M3 can run wherever it wants without any punishment while one bad move with raketten leads to base-pin.
You will not see kubel spam with an M3 on the field.
M3 is a valued strat that has always been part of CoH2 play, it was a shame to see it fall by the wayside in 2015. Kubel spam is not, OKW being able to get a luchs in 7 minutes is not.
The faust is exactly where it needs to be now. OKW players just have to realise their army of elite ubermensch is not going to be able to roflstomp within 10 minutes, it has to build into the mid game and then start to dominate.
I sinscerely hope OKW gets actual good buffs when the next iteration comes out, buffs like ISG vs garrison buffs, pak40 given to battlegruppe, mechanised made cheaper etc.
Giving them faust when the truck rolls on the field which means they are invincible to early light vehicles just let's them cheese too much. They have five man squads, stg worker units, and T0 AT. They shouldn't really need fausts within two minutes.
3 Kubel with SP will shred everything on open maps. Even 2 Kubels with SP is enough to counter M3.
If pzfasut is where it needs to be, how do you counter M3 + flamers? Don't say about rakketen, becasue it's a huge micro disproportion between using rakt vs M3 and using M3 vs rak.
How do you punish M3 for diving to deep? How do you punish M3 for lack of micro? No tools for this.
And they are not invincible with early pzfaust to LV. You just need to micro your LVs to keep the distance. |
Before this reversion we had kubel spam, no M3 play, and fast luchs.
I'd rather have a lot of M3 play and early raketten into battlegruppe, slow OKW that build into the late game. Thank OKW cheese for this, with an early faust they can cheeseroll the opponent.
But that's what we gonna see now.
Since Volks cannot handle M3, we gonna see Kubel spam into Fusiliers spam.
Plus, again, how early pzfasut cheeseroll over Penals/Cons/Maxims? It doesn't affect them at all, but without it, M3 suddnely becomes top strat leaving all others far behind.
And we had no M3 play becasue people don't want to micro it but they used to dive deep and push back everything to the base. |