I will never understand why there are "fanboys" (I hate that term) in the first place. Shouldn't players be interested in fair balance on both sides since well, you usually switch factions now and then.
I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. I didn't check the leaderboard (because I thought they were non existant ) until I was Rank 100 with every faction. Stay cool, watch the replay and analyse what went wrong and don't do the mistake twice.
this. If you don't know how the other side ticks, you won't really have a good feeling about timings (for example when those 85s roll out). Play both sides is my advice.
That's a nice map. Where is the bit about fixing bugs? It's still a coin-flip whether a unit will actually trow a grenade when you tell them to and you are talking about ESL? I can hear the broadcasters now: "A brilliant flank by OMGPOP, now all he needs to do is throw a grenade on the MG42 and Jesulins lines will crumble! Oh.. wait.. it looks like OMGPOPs riflemen bugged out and won't throw the grenade! This means Jesulin wins! What a game!!1!".
Massive comeback by jesulin but now his tiger get ambushed by two paks but thank god that main gun destroyed crit saved him.. oh nevermind there was a recon plane falling out of the sky and finished it off
Yeah I agree with the general sentiment that it may have been overbuffed in terms of health but still I'm glad that it received some love after all this time it has been extinct. Surviving a Katyusha rocket to the face is clearly wrong though.