Quit vehicle, press shift+repair on the vehice, then shife+right click.
There, crew will repair and automatically hop into the vehicle when its finished being repaired.
You have the notification by the vehicle being there, ready at 100% health.
Why do u force it? It would be a simple nice addition..
The progress you say takes a few seconds to apply. In some conditions, you might wanna micro some unit and repair your vehicles at the same time. Waiting the abondened vehicle to allow you shift + right click, might delay your micro for other units on the field. You know coh is a fast game that big results may happen in a few seconds. Plus, sometimes u just forget "shift + repair -> shift + right click" after decrewing a vehicle due to chaos in a big fight.
The addition may help the player who are in the situation I talk above. (Happens to me quite a lot since I m not a super concentrated and fast player)