Kite the 2 shrek unit ? Firefly range is really good, and he can kill a full health medium tank in 2 sec with Tulip, You can even crush is shrek squad really easily with Cromwell rotation speed
Honestly, it all goes to hell before I get the Firefly. I can't kite shreks squads when a P4 is shooting me. I can't shoot the P4 while the shreks are hitting me. I like the Cromwell, but a 2 shrek units and a P4 seem to be unstoppable (without a Firefly and someone to spot).
I've also had a problem with my friend keeping a shrek squad up front with a Luchs behind. I can't get vision on the Luchs for my Cromwell to shoot (cause the Luchs obliterates any unit trying to get close enough) and I can't get my Cromwell any closer due to the Shreks. so, he sorta plays Sim City with a Luchs and a Shrek squad or two

which it kinda funny cause I'm Brits.
How would I get Vision on the Luchs for my Cromwell to take it out? without getting in range of the shreks?
I need to watch some more Brit replays I guess...
I think I'm building in the wrong order. BACK TO SCHOOL!
Who has some good Brit replays?? I like Imperial Dane but he normally plays Axis.