So whats the worst patches in the history of the game according to you?
As someone who played since the beta i would probly say the worst one was the sherman autofire patch/bug
For you young kids who dose not know when they realesed the patton tank commander thiere was bug that if you used its ability to incress the firepower of vechiels and inf the shermans could get SUPER range and machinegun fire on its main gun
So coh2 is fairly balanced atm, but us Veterans rember the many many stupid patches that have come and gone so lets start naming them together for fun.
The first really broken patch i can recall was the soviet industries in its early days of 5 min t34 spam,
another was the vet spam and the call in tank spam. It was insane, if you played as the russian or us you never built any higher tire if you hade the rigth doctrine you simply waited for until you hade enough command points and then just unleshed a way of easy 8's and t34/85 or is-5 tanks (yes you could have multipal heavy tanks before)
how many times have you hade one of youre units gleefully charge out in the open becuse they decied to chase that enemy down when you cleary dont want it to? Well it happens to me all of the time, not having that action would also be a pain in the ass thats why i think thiere should be a hold ground button so that if you want a unit to hold ground and not chase the enemy, they freaking do that
Is it just me or has the pathfinding (that was terribel before) gotten worse? Pretty much all the tanks i kill and lose is due to the fact that a tank decied to turn around when i gave it the order to backup
Lol, you must be new to the game.
Let me welcome you to the community! Welcome!
i have been playing this game since its relase and vcoh before that, so no i am not new
And i rember a time when spaming was not the most viabel tactic, but as we all know the morons at relic cant patch the game without breaking it in a new way
when did company of heroes turn in to a spam fest? mostly we see it with the much loved volkspam, but almost every faction in the game (except soviet ironicly), works best if you simply mostly spam 1 unit.
How can we make it more viabel to stop the spaming? Becuse rigth now it seams to be all about finding that special unit and then spam the crap out of it