WORLDBUILDER_COH_2 started at 2014-01-21 22:35
OS NT 6.1 (sp1.0) x64, 6126MB Physical Memory, 4597 Physical Available, 4095 Virtual Total, 3958 Virtual Available, 6124 Page file.
WORKING-DIR [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2]
USER [BlackSNake]
22:35:38.29 Primary CPU is a 2801MHz [Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz]
22:35:38.29 Architecture [0], Level [6], Revision [10759].
22:35:38.29 4 logical processor(s) detected.
22:35:38.29 4 physical processor(s) detected.
22:35:38.29 1 processor(s) nodes detected.
22:35:38.29 MATHBOX -- Version=6, Mode=SSE
22:35:38.29 MOD -- Initializing mod 'RelicCoH2'.
22:35:38.31 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Data.sga 742009665 [4465675921915363153]
22:35:38.32 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Sound.sga 121846343 [16738610615010741306]
22:35:38.32 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Sound.1.sga 38376245 [5999931322007490984]
22:35:38.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\MPScenarios.sga 522997141 [8672726814208020289]
22:35:38.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\UI.sga 60713628 [6196468916250275010]
22:35:38.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtArmies.sga 46701382 [5072860005402534721]
22:35:38.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtArmies.1.sga 3696157 [12129943800055508745]
22:35:38.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtEnvironment.sga 855451233 [14805338148617440357]
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtEnvironment.1.sga 12411574 [7041205651744523304]
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtGermanEF.sga 940566667 [2951707804841577906]
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtGermanEF.1.sga 462527637 [9390730553526279221]
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtSovietEF.sga 755707354 [6630070636505974439]
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtSovietEF.1.sga 507950060 [3696215749641442891]
22:35:38.34 Archive 'CoH2\Archives\Autotest' is missing! Skipping.
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SPScenariosEF.sga 523132623 [10064279886437257160]
22:35:38.35 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SPScenariosEF.1.sga 172857470 [2771734794869583818]
22:35:38.35 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\TOWScenarios.sga 343994884 [7811587915922964419]
22:35:38.36 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\TOWScenarios.1.sga 186896361 [10312798156432353541]
22:35:38.36 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC1Scenarios.sga 78959788 [13892415758615118788]
22:35:38.36 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC2Scenarios.sga 70424588 [4761520501536699515]
22:35:38.36 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC3Scenarios.sga 61534795 [5674106921726307298]
22:35:38.37 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtHigh.sga 281532535 [7642218333979450380]
22:35:38.37 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtHigh.1.sga 27502429 [12547036092066570626]
22:35:38.38 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundHigh.sga 1345795725 [13199969298230256804]
22:35:38.38 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundHigh.1.sga 19684541 [8791216193063018979]
22:35:38.39 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechEnglish.sga 562407101 [12308947390631594915]
22:35:38.39 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechEnglish.1.sga 22118043 [13552050742375148378]
22:35:38.40 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFEnglish.sga 182843876 [191969942427995936]
22:35:38.40 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFEnglish.1.sga 44362968 [1009901107665233423]
22:35:38.40 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCEnglish.sga 33616865 [8520485253646831872]
22:35:38.41 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\AttribArchive.sga 15336536 [13003667868608713242]
22:35:38.44 GAME -- Resetting fp control word.
22:35:40.09 WW2Mod -- PropertyBagManager Loaded in 1.650000s
22:35:48.62 ToolFramework: Opening Document: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2\CoH2\Data\scenarios\Sjasstroij.sgb'
22:35:48.62 WorldBuilder opening document C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2\CoH2\Data\scenarios\Sjasstroij.sgb
22:35:48.66 SPDx11 -- Adapter [NVIDIA GeForce GT 440]: 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory.
22:35:48.67 SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX11_Rendering_Device] version[4,37]
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- New Device RefCount [2], New DeviceContext RefCount [1]
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- Adapter Description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 440
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- Driver Vendor = 0x000010de Device = 0x00000dc0 SubSys = 0x23111462 Rev = 0x000000a1
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- Driver Version Product = 9 Version = 18 SubVersion = 0 Build = 331.58
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- Driver LUID = 0x00000000-0x00006c81
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- [1] GPUs found.
22:35:48.68 ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps50]
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- CreateSwapChain: 943x655 @ 0/1Hz (0.000000Hz). Sample count/quality: 1/0. Back buffers: 2.
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 943x655 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 943x655 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: WINDOW
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 943x655 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- Resizing target to make sure Refresh rate is set properly after FullScreen mode change
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 943x655 @ 0/0Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 943x655 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:35:48.73 SPDx11 -- device requires no additional virtual address space textures.
22:35:49.20 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [2260] pixels per usecond. At [943x655x1] this is [3659] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [43.990818] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [46.000004] ms
22:35:50.16 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [51] pixels per usecond. At [1024x1024x1] this is [49] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [81.581215] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [83.000008] ms
22:35:50.32 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, missing alias 'TOOLSDATA:autoloddecimator.lua'
22:35:50.46 SOUND -- Initializing ...
22:35:50.46 Error, could not open lua language group file:
22:35:50.50 INNIMapDCA Key not found: combat
22:35:50.50 INNIMapDCA Key not found: sir_filters_enabled
22:35:50.55 INNIMapDCA Key not found: tiger_radio_fuzz:
![:o :o](/images/Smileys/ohmy.gif)
22:35:50.55 INNIMapDCA Key not found: winter
22:35:50.70 SOUND -- Initialization completed!
22:35:50.83 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA
![:s :s](/images/Smileys/wacko.gif)
22:35:50.83 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA
![:s :s](/images/Smileys/wacko.gif)
22:35:50.94 GAME -- (WorldManager) Cannot find original scenario "2P_COH2_SnowTown" referenced from data
![:s :s](/images/Smileys/wacko.gif)
22:35:51.33 TChunkManagerIO::Load version 2001l
22:35:51.44 TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget of size 3772 x 2620
22:35:52.65 PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'HVOK'
22:35:52.65 PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'DMMY'
22:36:03.06 INNIMapDCA Key not found: tinitus::time
22:36:12.18 MemoryBudget -- Could not load memory budget file [data:MemoryBudget.lua].
22:36:12.83 Regenerating ImpassMap data...
22:36:12.83 Impass Data was already valid, but regenerating...
22:36:13.69 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WaterView ] textures
22:36:13.69 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:13.69 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:13.69 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WaterView ] textures
22:36:13.69 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WorldView ] textures
22:36:13.69 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:13.69 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:13.69 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WorldView ] textures
22:36:13.99 SPDX11 --- doing mode change using DXGI resize target and set fullscreen state [939x659], Refresh rate: 0.00
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 939x659 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: WINDOW
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 939x659 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- Resizing target to make sure Refresh rate is set properly after FullScreen mode change
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 939x659 @ 0/0Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 939x659 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 939x659 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:36:14.75 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [2117] pixels per usecond. At [939x659x1] this is [3421] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [47.058685] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [49.000004] ms
22:36:15.68 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [51] pixels per usecond. At [1024x1024x1] this is [49] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [81.330368] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [83.000008] ms
22:36:15.68 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WaterView ] textures
22:36:15.68 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:15.68 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:15.68 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WaterView ] textures
22:36:15.68 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WorldView ] textures
22:36:15.68 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:15.68 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:15.68 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WorldView ] textures
22:36:17.75 VizView Render - Warning view has no passes defined, adding a default dummy plain render pass
22:39:54.13 ToolFramework: Closing Document: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2\CoH2\Data\scenarios\Sjasstroij.sgb'
22:39:57.21 SOUND -- Shutting down ...
22:39:57.22 SOUND -- Shark Thread - Shutdown received
22:39:57.25 SOUND -- Shutdown completed!
22:39:57.52 Dx11DynamicBuffer
stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.52 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_gameplay] stats : allocations=[16/1024] elements=[16/1024]
22:39:57.52 Dx11DynamicBuffer [rain] stats : allocations=[1/1024] elements=[1/1024]
22:39:57.52 Dx11DynamicBuffer [atmospheric_sky] stats : allocations=[2/4096] elements=[2/4096]
22:39:57.52 Dx11DynamicBuffer [terrainbasemesh] stats : allocations=[3/4096] elements=[3/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [terraintileblend] stats : allocations=[0/60] elements=[0/60]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_object] stats : allocations=[12444/21840] elements=[12444/21840]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_foliage] stats : allocations=[7087/8192] elements=[7087/8192]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxshader_displacement] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_terrainblend] stats : allocations=[12/2048] elements=[12/2048]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_building_panel] stats : allocations=[698/1024] elements=[698/1024]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_building_ribbon] stats : allocations=[698/1365] elements=[698/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh_alpha] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh_additive] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_object_uvanim] stats : allocations=[1362/1365] elements=[1362/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_soldier] stats : allocations=[1213/1365] elements=[1213/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_vehicle] stats : allocations=[5/1024] elements=[5/1024]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_vehicle_uvanim] stats : allocations=[0/1365] elements=[0/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh_additive_falloff] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [simple_cube_face] stats : allocations=[0/1365] elements=[0/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [snowtracks_blur] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [depth_erode_filter] stats : allocations=[0/455] elements=[0/455]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [depth_lao_filter] stats : allocations=[0/32] elements=[0/32]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [deferred_ambientocclusion_pass] stats : allocations=[0/1365] elements=[0/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [deferred_lighting_pass] stats : allocations=[0/682] elements=[0/682]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [deferred_combiner_pass] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [pp_hdr] stats : allocations=[0/240] elements=[0/240]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [MatrixArray] stats : allocations=[14796/20000] elements=[139063/240000]
22:39:57.69 DLLDriverLinker -- 0 DLL drivers found.
22:39:57.80 MOD -- Shutting down mod.
Application closed without errors