Stalker, good job

, what I've noticed in low level play is that the guy who gets fat the fastest, will almost always win even if their team sucks, and it usually doesn't matter the hero. Smurfing isn't a real problem though, the game sets your rating based off your performance in your first few games then puts you where you're supposed to be, so if you just steamroll people you're gonna rise quickly.
Oh, and don't worry too much about the noobs, just guide them and help and forgive, it'll give you commendations, and it'll help them play better (unless they are completely out of control and not accepting any help at all). It's what happened to me actually, I sucked so much the first game (only playing causually dota 1), but my friends just helped me pick a hero (they gave me Enigma, since I like microing people, and he's easier to get into than Chen/Meepo/Visage [although I'm getting onto Meepo and Visage to a lesser extent]). They told me how to last hit and deny, and ward, and how to initiate, and I've won a bunch of games for them. Don't stick to one hero though, try out others, I nearly made that mistake until I saw a Gyro use Homing Missile (which is a really good way to finish off people in low-leveled pubs) and, sorry if it sounds braggish, got the Arcana Lina drop, which set me to play Lina more. Then on I started to random, and play with a lot of other players. Occasionally you'll get a hero you totally suck with, get flamed, but it's easy to just mute them. And also, don't forget to have fun. If the enemy team has a guy who's friendly and talks to you (tease-type, but not insulting) like if a Crystal Maiden kills you as Lina: "Hahaha Lina, Ice IS Nice", you should reply back in a friendly way. It's sad to say a lot of people just say "stfu noob" when it just kills the game, I mean, who wouldn't say in all chat a line from your hero when you do something awesome? It adds spice to the game. Ex: Enigma when capturing all 5 heroes: "Light cannot escape me, what hope have you?" and Zeus with a rampage: "You can't run from heaven!" and a blind hook kill with Pudge: "Fresh Meat!" It's what makes the game interesting even more.
Well, glhf with Dota 2