Why is everyone so angry?
Aerohank - I'm not saying it's "super OP". Could you show me anywhere where I say that?
I'm saying it's partof the reason that sniper strats and ISU are overpowered and hard to punish.
What function does it serve? To stop the German light vehicle / tank spam nobody is seeing in 1v1 / 2v2?
When there is an ISU, Axis needs to be able to flank, correct? When there are snipers - attack with light vehicles, right? No. Because guards essentially negate that option. The button ability is part of the reason for the Face-Face tank slugfest meta. Flanking is punished with button. I think that's wrong.
Soviets wouldn't suffer early game if it was removed. There would be a lot less late-game cheese if it was taken out. I don't see a real downside other than soviets losing an easy vehicle-wipe ability.
I know you are not saying it is OP. I am saying it.
Lategame Soviets should lose. Button has to go. Lategame cheese should be something that only axis can do with Smoke, Blitz, Überinfantry, Kingtigers and Jagdtigers.