yes it works. Just yesterday i managed to survive 3 seperate IL-2 Strikes on my sniper team (günther und helmut, both heroes of this particular skirmish) just by camoing them after seeing the smoke signals (tbh the autofire bug saved my ass once, since there were targets to shoot at and i hand not put them on hold fire...)
back to topic:
at first i was really mad at the 1 cp shocks. lost 5 games in a row to early shocks /IS2 call in. now i manage it quite well and im actually quite happy once i see a triple con + shocks opening (or anything similar) cause i exactly know what to do now. both double mg and double sniper seem to work pretty well against them, yet i think mgs might be a bit easier to pull off, since theyre not bugged (unlike the sniper) and are usually quite able to survive a minor mistake in microing.
the only problem i still have with 1cp elite inf. is that it seems to push most soviet players playing on my lvl to instantly go for them instead of playing any other strat, which of course is easy to beat since its being very predictable, yet it grows really boring after 20+ matches