let me hold you there for a second
grenadiers have the exact same reinforce cost as conscripts... dont believe me?
20mp per model
6 models
6x20 = 120mp to reinforce
reinforce cost is 50% of the original squad cost (120/240)
20mp per model
4 models
4x30 = 120mp to reinforce
reinforce cost is 50% of the original squad cost (120/240)
no... ive already conducted tests on that in another thread
unupgraded volksgrenadiers overperform for their cost of 250mp.... 260mp/26mp reinforce was the logical conclusion of the tests i performed...
I realize that proportionally the cost of reinforcement to initial callin cost is the same for grenadiers and conscripts if you want to reinforce a full squad (which is impossible). However, losing 2 models to a grenade is 60 mp for grens while losing 2 models to a grenade is only 2 for cons. On top of that cons at vet 3 only have a 1% greater recieved accuracy to grens so at that point you cant even cited model durability as an advantage which offsets reinforce cost.
When people talk about reinforce costs they generally are referring to the cost of reinforcing a single model, not reinforcing an entire squad.
As for your tests - first I already addressed that cons are less cost efficient only with the caveat they lack vet or upgrades because both will make cons more cost effective than volks.
For grens, the lmg42 is the third best lmg in the game and is available for grens for good reason- just like with cons their upgrades and/or vet is what allows them to scale. Lmg42 grens will beat the stuffing out of stg volks at long range-and that is really the only range they shine at but they do it well, they will still manage to trade well all the way into the mid range with stg volks.
Edit: forgot commando brens which never got nerfed are also superior to lmg42 which does put it at third behind it and the ober lmg34.
So no I dont think volks need further nerfing, they already scale worse than all the mainline infantry excluding penals. Increasing their reinforce cost would make that worse.