Thanks for casting my game MrSotko!
I grabbed the early Reketten as a common counter to Kubel is a fast M3, which is usually out before the Raketten. I think this Soviet player could have spent his manpower
much more as he began floating in the mid-game when he was down in squad counts and didn't replace dead squads fast enough. An AT gun or two would have worked wonders, the LUCHS tore up his army for far too long!
I didn't want to over extend my Panther too much in the mid as i felt i was in control and losing my panther to an AT mine/nade, dead in the water in Sov territory, would suck!
Any other good places i can put the Schwerer Command? Seems too risky putting it elsewhere. Behind the bushes it can comfortably cover both cut offs without receiving indirect fire.