Wow noun . now why dont you post more comprehensive feedback like this one! I almost had tears in my eyes. Thanks for taking the time and giving the back ground - really show you care when you keep your community up to date
Shocks rape at CP1, but by then manpower and map control is heavily in favour of the germans. I suck at micro-ing the M3 and was really stoked after the mg nerf that I dont have to play burnout paradise in COH2 anymore...
Fair point, I'll amend my metaphor: It's like buying a car and then going back to the dealer 3 months later and expect to get a free trailer hook.
Unless, you were promised something, I don't see how you can reasonably expect to receive it and simply assuming what was agreed upon based on what you want is not reasonable.
Its like buying the delux model of a car (that is second hand whilst the dealer is pretending it is new) while paying for it as new, and then 3 months down the line you realise that you have a tape player and not a cd / mp3 player installed, and your "leather" seats are actualy pleather
Sep 23 2013 10:21 PM UTC (18 hrs ago)
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"Relic Entertainment"
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Group: Moderator
Join Date: Jun 07, 2010
Posts: 2,984
Status: Online (game)
We will be taking the Company of Heroes 2 servers offline for approximately two hours starting at 3 pm PDT tomorrow (Tuesday September 24th).
If it is posted else where please delete and my apologies. Look like EU is shit out of luck tonight
They've already said regarding the leaderboards, it's abit of a collaboration with Valve. Same deal with the editors we're planning on getting eventually.
I'd rather want the stuff we get to be good, rather than half-baked rushed produdcts that fails to deliever to your consumers.
I've seen people nagging on wanting some more "VCOH" styled commanders, and here they are. You expected them to be free? Delusions of grandeur much. You reap what you sow.
On a good note, they said future-free commanders would have originality as well. And besides that, even existing commanders are extremely versatile and useful. There's a clear indication on the pros/cons between the commanders they've shown.
Principal? DLC is a common business model. Is it PAY 2 WIN? Who knows, so far the commanders are actually fairly well balanced out. Heck, give it a month or so until it settles in to make some verdict before jumping on the bandwagon of "Lolzpay2winz".
For me the definition of pay2win is if you give the paying guy more options (new units) than the average Joe. Is this the case? Yes it is. Should they have released the new units/abilities for free, then sell them in reshuffled commanders, I wouldn't even mention anything. Fact of the matter is that if you pay you get units/abilities which someone else does not have.