Found this, its a guide to sherman crew when and how to escape their tanks, i think its the same process as in icy water apart from getting back to the solid ice and the water temperature.
Once the water had risen to six feet or so above the turret, the crew, after sitting submerged for a few seconds, then had to make their escape – but in strict order, one at a time, since an every-man-for-himself exodus would have resulted in bodies being trapped in the escape hatches. In the turret, the tank commander, as he was nearest to the turret hatch, would exit first. And as he went he would tap the 75mm gunner on the shoulder to signal that it was now his turn. The 75mm gunner, as he was about to leave, would, in turn, tap the shoulder of his loader for him to get ready to go. In the hull of the tank, the driver and the wireless operator followed the same procedure, but through their own hatch. Sitting, waiting for that tap on the shoulder, and knowing that you had to rely completely on your colleague to fulfil this duty, in murky water with vision restricted to less than one foot, made the short wait seem infinitely long – again, especially for the non-swimmers.
The crew could just transfer the experience points to their new vehicle. There is no need for difficult formulas or 3 types of crews.
Experience point =/= veterancy level. A vet 3 scout car crew probably won't even make a tiger Vet 1.
I think it would be a nice feature, though I would also be content with crew members crawling out of their tanks injured and dying when the tank gets abandoned. It's a bit silly that they yell 'OUT OUT!' yet nobody leaves the tank.
Amount of vet could be transferred based on vehicle similarity. If a crew of a heavy tank climbs in another heavy tank, all vet is retained. Crew of light vehicle only transfers half their experience.
I think it should be Crew vet minus the amount of difference to the target vehicle (light vehicle has 2 difference to a heavy tank, medium has 1 difference to light and heavy) So vet 3 light squad would give 3-2=1 vet to a heavy
The crews would go to three categories: light medium and heavy, and this is how it would work vet3 light vehicle crew would give vet 3 to a new light vehicle, vet 2 to a medium and vet 1 to a heavy and vice versa.
It would be nice if the crew could have a chance to escape the tank, lets say 15% chance.
They would have pistols as weapons and no armor.
You could also use the crew to give veterancy to new tanks, either a amount of vet points or lets say if they were vet 2 they would give vet 2 to the new tank, you would lose the squad to this action.
Well if you got 50/50 map control, one of you could have gone soviet industry so that you could have gotten 2 or 3 tanks more than the enemy had p4's that way you could have made 4 t34 packs that hunt enemy p4's down before they can make too much of them