The competitive crowd are the 3% who want the other 97% to bend to their will. Cruel but true.
As someone who likes to watch top players, may I suggest you stop worrying about RNG (I watch a fair bit and don't see it dramatically impacting on who is consistently the best player) and start playing on some different maps instead.
The shoutcast scene is being killed by top players obsessed with the same three maps.
Sorry to digress but need to vent.
Theres a difference between taking out all RNG and make things a bit more "logical".
Take this example on engine damage with MY ideal situation:
-NO heavy engine damage possibility from AT nades/Faust unless the tank already has some engine malfunction or the tank is with low health (>50%). Getting from behiund should roll with a higher chance on further engine damage.
-NO heavy engine damage possible from Soviet mines unless tank is low in health (>66%) or already with engine damage (in this case 100%). Teller mines should stay equal as now (at least for the moment) since you are paying double for them in comparison.
-RAM: 100% chance of AT LEAST engine damage if ramming from behind (just like an expensive AT nade). Any further damage may still behave as it works now.
My dream world:
1-We have side armour.
2-While we have number 1, we apply 100% of at least engine damage on side n rear. RAM is just a forward straight line boost ability. This means you have to AIM carefully before ramming. No "heatseaking" ability.