Given the two options, I'll vote Good. I have plenty of issues with how Relic works, but at the same time I recognize they have given the game more than the industry average support is.
The game had potential to be even better, but it's not like they didn't try and there were too many highs and lows.
THQ bankrupt. Game barely been able to be released. SEGA bought Relic n CoH2 fortunately made it up, with i think good sales numbers. The game still required polish, but there was plenty of potential on it. Multiplayer was good, same as ToW. Questionable campaign direction.
Now the bad and the ugly. "We are not gonna release money gated DLC which would affect the gameplay of the MP"... Hello commanders. Ugly: my condolence for whoever bought the REAL Limited Edition.
Till just before WFA:
I'll say you have to praise how the game has evolved since it's release. One wouldn't think it's the same game. From veterancy rework, UI, infantry fights, garrison, etc. We got pseudo mod tools (world builder), free content, battle servers.
Questionable: communication was back n forth. Same with patch releases.
Bad: more commanders. OP commanders. And then released Tiger ace and Industry and didn't touch them for several months.
Really bad: a constant which will be there and remains are the bugs.
Might i say, that IMO, the game was one of it's top level, just before they release OKW + USF (specially after the Ele+ISU nerf). Shame it didn't last long since we were gonna endure the madness of 2 new factions. IIRC communication around this time improved quite a lot and from this point onward it would just go down bit by bit.
Questionable: expected to have balance issues. But completely changing OKW mechanics 1 week before beta ended was REALLY YOLO on their part.
Bad: sigh. Why release the game with an older version than the beta (hello Truck crushing). USF steamrolling OH on 1v1 and been a joke of a faction on 3v3+. OKW been PROKW or OPKW.
Why? GGWPNORE. RIP Relic employees.
Been a bit more serious. It had simil points as before (highs n lows).
TL;DR: If i have to summarize this briefly it'll be: great OVERALL support, awesome game, lacking polish. 2 steps forward and then one back.