No idea.
Before the patch there were no issues, now there are issues everywhere. Something changed and I have no way of knowing what the issue could be.
All I know this bug has existed forever in some form since the inception of time, there were no less than 82 matches played on Vilshaka in a tournament setting with no issues, and before the patch there was no issues with any maps.
Now all the sudden there are. I was told by Andy that it is not a programming issue (even though originally he assumed it most likely was, but after discussing with someone else now believes that not to be the case) , and the only solution is to repackage the map and upload / send it again, this does not resolve the other maps, or the bug. So I assume fully that this will not go away, and will presumably stay the same or get worse with the next patch.
This is much like the patch that was implemented that turned everything into giant pink boxes.
Again, just to be clear, the maps were all fine before the patch. Now they are bugged with no updates to the map specifically.
Something could had get corrupted despite it been fine on previous occasion. This is gaming code, so even unrelated things can affect things which SHOULD not be related at all.