I partially agree.
Still context matters, and (assuming what heat says happened exactly as he described it) there was a provocation for the action. This does not excuse the wrongdoing, but should be considered for the final decision. Also it should then be considered if the person provoking should be acted against as well.
Heat escalated unneccesarily, yes. If it's worth a ban is another question, but then again I am not part of the team that decides that. Apart from that, I also agree that mods should only in exceptional cases act if they are involved, especially if they are on the side that was negatively effected.
Agree wholeheartedly.
Fortunately we have the chat.
The first hour is just chat with the opponents.
[01:08:12] Vertsu: aaaah AI
[01:08:15] Kasewerg: at least u got a bot
[01:08:17] Kasewerg: we are 3v4 Kappa
[01:08:24] Kasewerg: right side afk
[01:08:38] Rinzler: iam afk?
[01:08:45] Rinzler: ok all unit back to my base then
[01:09:13] Rinzler: iom gonna sit in base then
[01:09:20] Kasewerg: nice, thats banabel 
[01:09:21] SoE-Sturmpanther-: he really go afk
[01:09:28] Rinzler: right side open to axis
[01:09:31] Kasewerg: so he can get banned
[01:09:57] Rinzler: u wanna be a tool u get played like one
[01:10:40] Rinzler: so im "afk" really now
[01:10:42] SoE-Sturmpanther-: timeban
[01:11:12] Rinzler: if you abuse another player I will sit in base
[01:12:23] SoE-Sturmpanther-: he is really afk with all his untis
[01:12:32] Rinzler: no they are moving
As for how the game went, i don't know the 4v4 meta or how people play so i will just describe what i see.
Red ball Express
OP is on south spawn right side. He goes to that lane and camps it.
2 MG, 3 Motars, Zis, FHQ, Field HQ on first 6 mins of game.
Till 16 mins, the units outside engineers building mines or tech, literally didn't move. First action was to orientate 2 AT guns towards the middle of the map as enemies brought vehicles and forced the mortars to move back.
First interaction with anything outside the right sector was at min 21 when a Katyusha decides to barrage from mid.
Not sure how "normal" is to float 1800mp on these gamemodes while the rest are bleeding.
First "heavy action" was at min 26 when you are able to pull a KV2. CPs are a somehow good metric on how active you are. He is at 11 CP. His side partner is at 19CP while the average on all other 6 players is 14/15CP.
Since that first barrage on the Kat, it didn't move till this point.
At around 30ish minutes he is more active. Basically move Kv2 forward, get hit, pull back repair. Fire some Katy barrages, get his simcity offmap barrage and rebuild Field HQ. Best Maxim job ever. Been since the beginning of the game, barely moved at all, 25% xp and no kills no deaths.
Fast forward to 49 mins. Almost 2.4K mp banked. Cause the only thing that happens is, 2 Katyushas barraging. Moving 2 Zis back and forth and attacking with a KV2. Rest is "defending" right side. KV2 dies, insta recall.
55mins. 2.4K mp, 1K muni, 700f. After losing a Zis gun, insta queue building 3 of them for a total of 4

1H04mins, basically went down to 200mp by constantly rebuilding more Zis guns every time you lose each of them to artillery.
PG taking a point, better barrage with all 4 Zis XD
1H08m your team had the VP lead. You proceed to send all your units back to HQ to afk and force the lose.
1H12m team loses.