Maybe is because how i made the test (i made the mine and then transfer the ownership) but you can disable once detected any mine with any engineer disregarding if they have the minesweeper upgrade.
It might be more of a TIL than a bug per se.
Profile of elchino7
My controls weren't working
And if they were, you were playing dishonorably,
And if you weren't, you were playing without skill,
And if you were, it's not fun to play that way,
And if it is, you only care about winning.
Bible of Scrublord, Psalt 3:16.
And if they were, you were playing dishonorably,
And if you weren't, you were playing without skill,
And if you were, it's not fun to play that way,
And if it is, you only care about winning.
Bible of Scrublord, Psalt 3:16.
Post History of elchino7
Thread: Non minesweeper engineers removing mines13 Apr 2020, 19:54 PM
In: COH2 Bugs |
Thread: Panther13 Apr 2020, 19:45 PM
... I posted this when we had issues with Su76 spam. If we have heavier tanks (Panther) dealing 200dmg with a slower RoF it would give it a place against both this low HP pool vehicles and premium mediums. 29 Jan 2018 In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Congratulations balance team13 Apr 2020, 19:40 PM
Yeah I mean it's pretty cancerous to fight "buff all my infantry and charge" blobs but the LMG42s were mid upgrade, bad choice IMO but w/e, no incendiary rounds on the right 42, repositioned it mid fight. Left MG42 got cheesed a bit because one of the sections got suppressed while throwing the grenade but they don't lose their range mid animation like other units do. That's more of gimmick BS than OP sections. Pgrens in the base but didn't move them up till near end of fight. The left IS throw the nade before getting suppressed. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Congratulations balance team13 Apr 2020, 19:32 PM
It's stupid that 8 IS MAY work. It's not stupid what happens in the clips once you take one second to check what is really happening. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Congratulations balance team13 Apr 2020, 19:31 PM
There is a real possibility that UKF had gone OP or been balanced BUT the clips are not showing that at all. Let me dissect it:
Let's start with the easier one. Clip3: that would had happen pre patch as well. 2 Grens pushing in the open against IS been on cover still. STATS are equal. The squad which lost model was in the open (single model which was never targeted was behind light) and approach from a shotblocker. The first model that appears get's focused as the squad has no other model to target. ANY squad of bolt action rifles has less than 50% of their DPS on the move. Combine RNG for perfect spread of dmg after the first IS model lost and you have the video. 3 models at low HP vs focus fire 3 models down on Grens. Clip2: not sure what the 222 is supposed to accomplish. The unit was never great against more than 1 squad. Wouldn't a double MG42 + FHT been a better option without any snares nor mines. Clip1: All numbers from the top of my head without checking so they can be wrong. 7-8 IS (4 on left. 3 + 1 on right), all at full health, with bolster, nades and at 5 man. That's a 64 popcap army. On top of using assault (or whatever it is called). As for cost, let's not count the upgrades. Just the squad value + 1 reinforce per model. (270 + 28) * 8 = 2384 If only 270 * 8 = 2160 If bolster after 4 IS = 2272 3 Grens, 2 MG42. No upgrades (both LMG42 upgrade when the fight is over and would be worst at that distance anyway). Right Gren is a lower than half health. Pak is irrelevant as it not even drawing fire. So 3 x 7 + 2 * 6 = 33 pop Cost: 720 + 520 = 1240mp Let's dissect the 2 fights separately. Right side trades more effectively cause the MG is on green cover (not just the crew) and all squads comes from a single position been able to suppress them and pin one. But then decides to move it (mistake) cause he fear the nade, which he should just tank it if they were able to be in range (which they don't cause the closest one was pinned). Incoming 4th IS + suppressed one deal with the low HP gren. Left side IS recovers from suppression cause it barely got suppressed (it was further from the one who was targeted) and was not been fired upon. Left IS nades the MG (which is now not in cover, 3 models and not firing) Surprisingly that was a winnable fight or at least trading effectively if he didn't do anything at all besides retreating once the 4th IS appeared. Left side: the 4 IS against the MG and 2 Grens full HP. Unfortunately the MG model is not in cover (it doesn't matter cause the grenade seems to come from the side). 2 IS comes from far right and 2 on left/middle left. 3 Squads get suppressed but the left one from barely outside cover nades and wipes the MG. IS which was on the right but more left recover from suppression cause it was not the main squad been shot at and in cover. Most left squad recover cause it barely got splashed by AoE suppression. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: ROF doesn't quite work as we thought it did13 Apr 2020, 18:17 PM
Slightly unrelated. Whether this has a real impact or not, I THINK that i found this discrepancy in performance due to tickrate in income generated by abilities such as scavenging. The UKF scavenge engineers siphon resources from wreck based on type and the HP it has (which always starts at 50%). By using the cheatmode v2 which let's you reset the income to 0 and resources as well, i end up having different results after repeating the test on same wreck. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Commandos visible in stealth?13 Apr 2020, 18:06 PM
When in doubt always save the replay. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Tiger nerf13 Apr 2020, 18:01 PM
Which is never the case. Cause mostly no one has the time or will to run a test 30/50 times. People makes bias selection on the type of information that fits their narrative. For me i put the same weight in the information provided by MMX as what Tightrope has provided and then considered which one has a higher probability to show what is true based on sample size. It's simple human psychology. We weight negative outcomes doubly than positive ones. Ask someone to bet money and only when they can win double of what they can lose they start to be comfortable in their decision (coin toss, bet $10 to win $30 total not $20). Same in games with buffs and nerfs. It's also interesting seeing the effects of placebo nerfs as well. There's been cases in MOBAS when they announced nerfs on a changelog but never implemented them and still a character would drop in win%. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Could CoH 2 do with a cleanup patch?12 Apr 2020, 21:19 PM
Not sure what can be removed but anything that makes the game more polished (UI, tooltips, etc) is always appreciated. Standardisation unfortunately is a way of balance, so unless you mention what you have in mind, it's difficult to asses. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Pop-cap analysis: request for build info12 Apr 2020, 17:59 PM
From the top of my head. -Infantry and support weapons: most if not all infantry models should have a popcap value of 1, while they main difference comes from the squad popcap value. IIRC, Cons are 7 pop at 6 models. Then it's 1 + 1*6. If the squad remains at 1 model, it's popcap is 2. -For vehicles it's straight forward. -Popcap/Manpower: for every point in popcap, you gain 1.5 less mp. 300mp per min at 0pop and 150mp/m at 100 pop. -Meta builds: Mid to late game comps are adaptable depending on what you are facing and what part of your army survived the early game. Late game comps can go from full combined arms to just been engineers and vehicles. In: COH2 Balance |
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