Considering the fact that I started 1v1 a month ago? Duh.
Well that does clear a lot of things up now doesn't it? No wonder you have made absolutely zero sense in your balance discussion since last summer! You haven't actually played a competitive mode until last month! seem proud of that?
I never said I'm 1v1 player, I always underlined 2v2 is what I do most.
You are barely a 2v2 player in terms of in-game experience too though. If you didn't have such a big mouth/weak arguments, no one would have a problem with you. But when you dish out insults to others, question other people's experience with the game...and you have that as your player card...what did you think was going to happen?
Also 2v2, while better than big team games, is not really the true mark of competitive play in CoH2 and therefore the balance opinions of a 2v2er are taken just as seriously.
And again, will you show us your card finally or are you too busy spitting shit in the vicinity of you.
Because I have that hunch that you are wiking 2.0 aka 4v4 one faction hero with 5 digit ladder rank.
I have over 5 times your 1v1 experience. I don't need to prove it to you because ultimately I couldn't care less what a whelp like you thinks.
You spit same irrational shit as him, except he had a butthurt avbout soviets and you seem to be butthurt about me.
Funny, could have sworn you were the irrational, butthurt, fanboy in this discussion.
Or even better, how about we play a friendly games? 3 games, best of two, everyone plays both factions, all reps posted here?
I don't need to play you to prove my point...which is that you have little experience with the game and you shouldn't dare ever criticize any one else's play time. Nice try.
Up for that? If not, then go back to official forums to bark together with hingie and armyguy, because thats pretty much all you can do, hot air breather with no spine at all.
You can act like a dog in heat on the other forums and get away with it but over here you will just look like an idiot. Serious players discuss here, not the riff-raff you are used to agreeing with.
You know my profile, feel free to friendlist me and we'll play some games tomorrow to see who is better, hm?
Thou I really expect unending stream of excuses from you, just like wiking was terrified of 1v1 challenge.
No thanks. Your ploy to save face will not work here. What are you going to do? Challenge everyone who thinks you are a useless dolt?
This isn't 17th century France and we are not going to prove who is right or wrong in a duel; you have been humiliated enough for one day. You only have your own big mouth to thank for that, now put your tail between your legs and get moving.