General Information
Register Time: 8 Sep 2013, 22:10 PM
Last Visit Time: 19 Oct 2023, 20:27 PM
Steam: 76561197964578176
Birthday: 1984-03-05
Residence: United States
Nationality: Finland
Timezone: America/Chicago
Game Name: eliw00d
In entity_blueprint_ext. You may also have to change some other things, so compare the two entities and see what else is different in terms of ui_ext and such.
You will need to use the game event GE_StrategicPointChanged, for either a specific player using Rule_AddPlayerEvent or all players using Rule_AddGlobalEvent. The function you supply must be global (not local) and will likely have as arguments the player and the entity. Then, in the function, you can affect the game however you'd like for that event.
You can find other game events under Enums in the link I provided. However, the list has not been updated in some time.
Okay, I was able to build it with no problems. My guess is that it is not actually crashing, but your computer might just be having trouble processing everything. Even though it says it has stopped working, let it sit for a while.
If that does not work, try re-installing the tools or verifying integrity of the game cache.
If it still does not work, we will need to know more about your system.