This is exactly what I am talking about. It seems like if your connection is too fast to the server, it lags behind and waits to hear back from all the slow PCs. Then all your shit gets rekt. The game is buggy as hell and unplayable for me due this code behavior. Most games it will not matter what you do, your shit will get rekt regardless. Until Relic fixes it (never) the game will always be a joke to me.
This is why I laugh my ass off at balance discussions. Who gives a shit if Brit IS has 10x armor if they get gibbed on the move outside FOW by mortars before you can even press retreat.
This shit was way worse in vCoh. And again, I was playing on LAN with friends. All on the same switch/hub. So there should be NO LAG. But ordinates would still fly around and follow you. And stuff would get rekt that clearly should not have.
Coh2 always seemed better to me. But it is only marginally better. And maybe it is because some days I get a slower connection so stuff plays out closer to what it should. Maybe I should add about 10 switches between me and my inet connection. Anyone know how many you can add before your 1500 byte packet gets rekt LUL
Either way, as I stated before, indirect and snipers completely ruin this game. So anything that removes those two things I am 100% for.
I have screamed since day 1 of playing this game "REMOVE ALL INDIRECT BULLSHIT!" Can the tourney mod do that also please?
I have done everything in my power to make the game better: maps, Celo, donations, etc. The rest is up to Relic and they do not give a shit about us at all. If I had the code for a week, I could probably fix 100 things and I do not even code C++ at all. But here we sit with an unplayable game for years??? Janne could fix it in a day tops.
EDIT: I currently do not have the game installed.
LUL. What's left of coh2, if you remove all indirect stuff? YOu have to make mainline inf clones of each other. No diversity at all. Why not make accurance 100% and make coh2 a Starcraft/Warcraft III clown.
IMO you are either the unluckiest person in the world or just a sore looser. In a rng enviroment anyone can become on or the other.
P.S.: Snipers are one of the most lovely units in the game. Everything thats not an a-blob of mainline inf, is a joy to play with