Honestly I don't mind not knowing my opponents rank because I play to win regardless of my match up, but it does take some of excitement out of getting matched with someone of a higher rank than you, because you know you have an opportunity to jump in rank.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could follow your ladder rank IN GAME?!?! It just feels silly to have to go to a 3rd party site (I love you guys and this site, btw) just to see where you rank among your peers in what is supposed to be a competitive game. I think the COH system worked beautifully, it gave you an idea of your opponents skill level. If you got matched against someone with a higher rank than you, get ready to rumble and give it your best shot. If you got matched against someone lower rank than you, its your balls on the band saw. You lose? Taste the defeat, lose some rank, and let that be your motivation to improve. Having the visual icon in game next to your nameplate on every single game you played made it actually worth something. Now its just whatever. The vCoh system was much, much better for encouraging competitive play, and I don't think it would discourage casual players either. If Relic was concerned about casual players being turned off by getting ranked against higher level opponents, they could just create a lobby and let people play against whoever they want. I don't even think it would be difficult to implement. I don't understand why they have the current system in place...Relic, I love your games, but you frequently leave me scratching my head.
Right on! In CoH1 there was more to lose than just your winning streak and ladder position... I really dont understand why people think the CoH1 rank was a bad idea. |
That would be fine. That's what separates the top 1% from the rest of the world.
What? Abuse?
Do you understand what will happen when your opponent has 4 snipers out? I am totally against making them cheaper and having less health or armour. That would just mean that the opponent will use them even smarter and always keeping them in the back.
IMHO, they should just limit snipers to 1 per faction until he dies. Same with the heavy call ins... but that's just me.
So what I am getting from reading this thread is that the Molotov should be nerfed because people can't micro out of the way. Also are to lazy to move their mg and conscripts can orahh up to a mg42. Grenadiers can just riflenade a maxim and force it off the field. Vanilla grens and lmg/g43 grens will easily beat vanilla cons, but ppsh cons are op because they finally have chance against German infantry and kill then? So, German infantry should always kills Conscripts? This is the most biased thread I ever seen. Why is relic even reading this? It is being primarily posted by people who have admitted to being primarly German players
Such utter bullcrap, sorry to say. I think you have it all twisted... |
Increasing build time would be a good option, I think. Maybe something inbetween pre patch and post patch build times.
@ Katitof: I didn't really get the soviet sniper reference. I thought we were just talking about mines, no? |
15 muni S-mines is so small and more obvious than Captain Obvious
And as a doctrinal choice, soviets can spam thos pesky little 7 munitions mines all over the place... |
They're like a shampoo bottle when you're taking a crap, just something to read to pass the time lol.
Would be cool if they make the bulletin pictures in faction design. For some odd reason, it bothers me that, for example, grenadier bulletins have conscript pictures...  |
Hey, what was that word again? Uhm... oh yeah, ADAPT!
Must be tough not being able to mindlessly wander the map anymore... |
I am sick and tired of this 2vs2 soviet strat. I really hope Relic will fix this issue, one way or another.
Why should I even consider having to use a commander to deal with snipers? And why should the answer to this strat even be spamming some sort of unit? Ostheer either needs a dedicated anti sniper unit in T1 or some other solution. Sure, it is beatable, but it is starting to get lame, boring and even frustrating at times. In 2vs2, it doesn't hurt the opponent to lose a sniper squad every once in a while as long as his mate helps him fill in the gap. I really hate how lots of CoH2 strats are actually just abusing some units power to the max.
IMHO, snipers should not be able to get in to M3's or M5's. They should be a slow unit, having to watch their step, cover and cloaking. Not cruising around the battlefield, picking off units like at a turkeyshoot... |
I think we need a bigger sign and a big honk everytime germans build s-mine 
I lol'ed!  |
Spot on, Razh.