losing one 34/76 to kill a tiger is very much worthwhile. also, i'm suggesting that ram get's buffed; possibly on the ramming tank's end as well. a fucked up 34/76 is almost never worth a 4 second stun, even when you can recover it afterwards.
The problem is that it's unfair that one T-34 which costs half the price of a Tiger should kill it just by driving up to it and ramming it.
Skill, now that's another matter, one which the game doesn't fully advantage when it comes to tank warfare. However, being able to kill a Tiger with 2 clicks is plain imbalanced. Which is why the ram was nerfed to uselessness in the first place. If anything it needs to be removed and something put in its place.
C'mon German fanboys, back an old Soviet fanboy for once won't you?