I was talking about Jaeger Armor. I dont know how effective some static artillery can be against that doctrine when your opponent can just save up munition to deal with it.
I know there are other cheaper versions -.-
With the B4 you are limited by the B4 range AND you actually need to vet it first. If something good the german have is, easy ways of countering artillery, specially on teamgames on which you expect someone having some kind of arty call in or recon.
Vetting a B4 is super easy
If you are talking about team game, just ask a friend recon for you and even less muni drain, just have no idea what are you talking about.
vCOH have V1/bike, or off map howie WTFpwn nebels, nothing wrong with them.
You build a howie, you should expect someone will boom it with off map arty.