I agree to Jaigen. No one research at grenade first? Well, in such case they should do it! Adapt?! ..to enemy play style?! "Handicap their AI capacity"? Handicap their cons AI capacity it's to much said, and even if it was true, that would not be a bad thing because they will be obliged to use combined arms not just spamming cons! Why in the world everything MUST be so easy for soviets?!
Current german SC arrival is to late, letting time for M3s to ride your army hard and HANDICAP (because you like this word ) your capping ability because you need to keep your units together unlike soviets who can spread more easily. Their capping capacity in early game is not altered, even if they use M3s. That is a wrong concept. Squads in M3s can still cap even if they are embarked, and due to M3 speed they can reach faster capping points. By the time SC arrives, the perfect counter is there: Guards. I mean, in every stage of early game germans are overpassed from the start. If they build something, soviets already have a hard counter and are one step ahead no matter what germans do. Long live the balance.
The solution is not to open the door for another spam (german ac), its to adjust the m3 to where its not op in the first few minutes.
Due to how most maps are designed, you can focus around the cut-off and that way you wont lose any "capping" power at all, but refuse your opponent from getting resources.
And this also is a bigger problem that relic is showing no serious interest in addressing |
Abdul you still haven't explained WHY the barrage is a bad ability to have on the unit. As others have said, it is 60muni, which is a lot, and it is easy to dodge. It has its uses though, and adds an interesting element to soviet play.
Its mainly this part I mention in the first post:
I keep seeing the Zis being sent in front of an mg42 or mortar squad and start firing its barrage forcing that unit to retreat. The way its being used like that reminds me of the maxim at the beginning of the game.
Back then you could send it into the fog of war, find a deployed mg42 and manage to suppress it first. That was bad game play and I kind of see a similar thing happening with the Zis where it's being sent solo to take down a deployed support unit.
This makes me wonder what was the developers' original purpose for the barrage ability? Do they consider what I describe above proper and balanced role for this ability? |
post #13,14, strongly implied in 44, and generally implied in all your posts. also lovvvvvce how most people on this thread are giving you perfectly valid counter arguments to your original post but in reply, you just go back to the same thing you said on your first post. everybody's just wrong and you are the only one who sees the truth, what's right and what's wrong, and what the game is supposed to be.
How about you go through the trouble of quoting me, maybe then you will know not to open your big mouth and say stuff that is completely not true. |
Doesn't sound like Hank.
Ask Elpandie (Joery) and Space Dog (Arno)  |
Thread: S-Mines3 Jun 2014, 20:06 PM
Yes your right I did over exaggerate but it's not as far as off as you might think. You. Only need around 75 muni to shut down kholody centre. Easily done after just a few mins. I'll try and get a few replays of me abusing them...
What you have to realise is that just a few munis makes flanks nearly impossible
ok lets see the replys, I would love to pick up a start where I can cover few flanks early |
What game?
the rails and metal game with elpandie where I flanked your SUs and you got so mad you quite on your mate. Boy, you sound so similar in that post. |
ZIS3 gun is a one man army. It can deal with everything on its own with his AP and HE rounds. All it needs is some support from some maxims to deal with flanking infantry, some guards or mines to disable tanks so they don't move out of the cone, some conscripts or an M3 for reinforcement, and a T34 or something to deal with the infantry that are not killed by the extremely hard to dodge non-tracking barrage.
hey man, you are still bitter about that one game? |
love how you repeat bad game design, bad mechanic, bad game design, bad mechanic like it's agreed upon by everybody. zis barrage seems ok to me and doesnt feel like a bad mechanic. and referring zis as one unit army is too much of a hyperbole.
quote where I say that |
Abdul, lots of units can do more than one thing. It's not a bad thing. 60 munitions is not cheap considering how easy to dodge the barrage is. The Zis makes up for its mediocre anti tank with some optional anti inf, seems fair to me.
ZiS trades mid game performance with it's barrage for late game viability with reduced RoF and Target Weakpoint. It's asymmetric balance. Same reason that Grens have a non-doctrinal weapons upgrade and Cons don't.
I understand your point, but I dont think that is a good application, I wish they applied that by making the zis a little cheaper and with less pop cap, but maybe Relic's idea was to include barrage instead and this way make it less spam-able. On its own barrage is a bad ability, that I would love see removed with mortar being improved for example. |
Thread: S-Mines3 Jun 2014, 17:43 PM
I'm not calling for a nerf, their design is the problem. They are too effective even when you know they are there, they can lock down every flank route after 2 mins on some maps like kholondy or semois.
That is impossible, german player will not have enough ammo to afford the s mines 60ammo cost by that time, let alone be able to spam them on every flank. Making s mines comes at a high cost for the german player including not being able to upgun 221, get lmg and medic bunker, throwing rifle grenades, etc. |