Has anyone confirmed that the USF mine actually hasn't been changed?
I planted some in one game, and the model of the mine looked different.
I may do a test game against the AI to see if infantry can trigger them and what kind of damage they do.
If they missed that, then that's a huge inadvertent nerf. |
Downloading now on Steam. 3.1 GB. |
- Americans were masters of artillery in WW2, so their lack of reliable arty in-game is out of place. Their lack of non-doctrinal heavy artillery needs remedy, because the pack howitzer just does not cut it. Either the Priest or a Calliope need to be in the American arsenal by default. Perhaps the standard Sherman could have a munitions upgrade for a Calliope attachment?
- The major is worthless as anything but a retreat point and the occasional arty barrage. Allow the ambulance to act as a retreat point by itself once the tank tier is unlocked. Either remove the major or completely change his role.
- Rear echelon troops need mines. Why isn't this in the game already? I can't believe they can't build them. And not those crappy 5-muni mines. Good ones. They should be able to build sandbags, too.
- Ambulance should heal passively if in base sector
- Americans need a tier 0 mortar.
- Put the 57mm in the tier 0 building but make it require either captain or lieutenant. Captain tier then gets a more expensive, higher damaging and higher-penetrating M5 3" AT gun. This is basically the same as having the mortar in tier 0, with the pack howitzer being an "upgrade" in the Captain tier.
- Please add rangers and/or a Thompson weapon rack

- Armor company's worthless Thompson vehicle crew upgrade could instead be changed to a Thompson weapon rack in place of the M1919
- M20 manpower cost is too high. AA halftrack manpower and fuel cost is also debatable, but understandable.
- When I pop out vehicles crews, I like to shift click them back into the vehicle so they'll re-embark when finished repairing. However, it takes a over a full second before you can do this. Fix that pudding!
- Increase the Sherman's penetration slightly. Not too much, just enough so it doesn't bounce off Panzer IV's all the time.
- Weapon crews need a received accuracy reduction, or 5 men. As of now, they get torn to ribbons too fast.
Perfect list here.
Mines and good arty are the two things I miss most from CoH1 USA. I loved going Infantry Doc and blowing the smithereens out of opponents with on and off-map howie blasts. The lack of RE mines is bizarre and leaves the infantry with less of a purpose when they are by themselves. There are SO many times I'd love to mine a road or fuel point to stall infantry advance, but as USF I can't. I have to play a game of putting out fires and constantly shifting my positioning.
I'll add to the list, Bazookas need a buff. More reliable penetration and slightly longer range, and good accuracy. Leave the dmg advantage for schrecks.
Major needs arty buff. It takes way too long to come down. All but the most narcoleptic opponents have time to dodge it. |
I get so sick of all the L2P posts. Forums are so full of trolls.
USF isn't just L2P issue - the faction sucks. There's like 3-4 units and few commanders that aren't completely broken. And there are massive holes in the tech - no heavy tanks, no rocket artillery, very little air power, no stock heavy infantry, and the darned support weapons are tech-split.
I know how to play, it's when I deviate from the extremely narrow and micro-intensive that I start to lose. There's just no room to branch out with the USF and the competitive element that there is is really bland.
The other thing too, most stuff the USF has just "doesn't quite work" - Capt "On ME" ability - only breaks suppression for the units around the capt but not the capt himself - what? Pack howitzer vet 2 barrage of 3 lousy shells changes to HEAT shells - but only for the barrage - what? Rear echelons have grenade launcher while inside fighting postion, but cant' have it outside, no other unit can fire grenade launcher in fighting position - what? Every time you heal you need to select the extremely vulnerable ambulence and heal - other factions don't have to do a thing. Why?
There's so many niche units, niche abilities, and so much micro. What if at the same moment that you're stunning/engine shotting a stug with you Stuart you also need to be clicking heal for your ambulence? It gets old quick. Why is USF so user-unfriendly.
Besides, nearly everyone's arguments about what is effective in the USF are mostly doctrinal - 1919s, paras, P47, easy 8 etc..
If you cant understand that USF isn't just a L2P you should Learn to Discuss.
Good post and I totally agree. There is no reason the ambulance shouldn't be auto-heal in the base sector. "On Me" should break suppression for Captain too. AP/HE round switch on Sherman needs to cut the delay in half.
USF is a very micro-demanding faction that doesn't reward you in proportion to the micro you're doing. Axis players with a few heavy tanks can do far less micro/macro and are rewarded more than you. |
They are really, really stupidly difficult to play, especially in late game now. I'm speaking mainly from a 2v2 perspective.
When multiple Axis super-heavies are out in the very late game, GOOD LUCK. You can't spam out EZ8's anymore due to the tech requirement (more fuel), and AT guns have incredibly low survivability. You have the Jackson, but you can't use it offensively to chase and finish anything. So you essentially are forced into a stalemate where you sit on VPs/fuel and try not to get steamrolled by walking stuka + super armor. Meanwhile babysitting a crazy amount of units whilst the axis player babysits 2-4 big ones.
Essentially this problem has been playing CoH2 since WFA was released, but I'm blown away that the only buff USF got was the weapons rack combination. Unbelievable. I've been playing Heroes of the Storm and will continue to until Relic makes changes. |
Are those who agreed to the NDA bound by it? Yes.
Is Relic's NDA old and antiquated? Yes.
Relic could have avoided this situation by doing away with the NDA, but those who break the NDA are still breaking an agreement, even if it's a crap agreement.
Relic should just do away with the NDA now that much of the info has already been leaked. They are trying to plug their fingers into a dam that already has several holes in it. |
IMO, anyone who is truly objective and not faction-biased can see that this unit is out of control OP.
Alongside the JagdTiger shooting through buildings, the Walking Stuka is the most broken unit in the game.
It makes weapons teams absolutely obsolete. Even normal infantry are not safe if you move them. Normal arty can be retreated from with minimal wiping due to RNG. But Stuka will routinely wipe squads that retreat immediately after hearing the firing noise due to the set path of fire.
So... weapons teams are too slow to move out of the barrage and infantry that retreat will get wiped anyway by the linear creep barrage.
It not only kills men but blows up their crew weapons wholesale and does heavy damage to all Allied armor.
To boot, it's very nimble and has heartier HP than all similarly priced on-map arty counterparts.
When it's being defended by Volks blobs with Schreks and a JT that can shoot you through walls on approach, on top of its very fast speed, good luck even sending a suicide unit to kill it. It will only work if Axis player is AFK, and even then maybe not due to Jagd. |
Really not sure why the Relic balance team does what it does sometimes. This seems like such a tiny issue in comparison to Walking Stuka and King Tiger running wild, or the SU-76 being a laughingstock unit since game launch.
Peter works in mysterious ways.  |
We've just pushed an update, details can be found here: http://bit.ly/13gFG3q
Shout out to the team that worked hard to get this out! Sorry for the frustration, folks.
Gremlins. <shakes fist>
Thank you! Very fast turnaround. Thank you, Cynthia and all staff who put in overtime to fix these issues. |
I need to see your replays/stream because my paras are about as good as a 6 man rifle squad. There is nothing really special about them until they vet, but then with equal vet or greater obers are in a class of their own.
I think he means with Thompson/LMG.
Thompson Airborne squad using the focus fire ability shreds infantry up close like a cheese grater. And airborne are cheap to reinforce. Like 28 MP if I recall correctly. |