Does Relic get an award for recognizing this issue after a year?

but oh well, better late than never |
Hold on guys, this game's ballance will rock in the next few months. Even this patch is a great step towards a more deeper, tactical RTS, once ballanced and pollished it will be fun, atm they just screwed up the ballance.
I'll repeat myself, but, what's more deep in this patch ???
more tactical, I totally agree,
but what's more deep ? |
I like the idea of decreasing soviet reinforce cost.
Not reducing the cost of squads, because otherwise, soviets will rule early game.
Remember in COH1 ? americans has a building, with 2 upgrade to decrease the upkeep of riflemans.
Upkeep cost seems to depend only on pop in coh2, but an upgrade to reduce reinforce cost of conscripts seems to be a very good idea imo.
Keep reinforce cost of rangers/snipers/penals/shocktroops the same though. |
Coh2 is finally becoming a great game. Relic has made great progress making the game more deep and interesting.
more deep ? what's more deep ???
more tactical, yes, more deep, no.
As long as no global upgrades are proposed, and fuel can only be spend on tanks, this game will never be more deep.
And some buildings/units/abilities tied to commander only. sov bunker, sandbags, tank traps, FHQ and many others. |
yeah, Homeworld...
I still watch the intro cutscene on youtube, and it still gives me goose bumps.
also waiting for Homeworld : Shipbreakers. (called first Hardware : shipbreakers, for rights reasons)
A new RTS, produced by the real developpers of Homeworld 1 & 2, who left Relic.
Watching the teaser gives me the same goose bumps. It really feels the same.
Check it out ! |
After Relic choice to not show player win/loss stats directly in game.
After Relic choice to not show player XP in loading screen.
After Relic choice to introduce P2W.
After Relic choice to not develop an obs mode.
Relic next phase of development to please casual players : remove automatch. |
i think a negative resource modifiers for team games (2v2,3v3,4v4) could be really cool in terms of balance.
and we have a winner !
Relic did exactly what you said in DOW2, and it worked really well. 2v2 was excellent, and 3v3 was very good too.
Actually, what was really bad in team games in DOW2 was the lag, but Relic fixed that for COH2.
But it also depends on map btw. Having map for 1v1 and 2v2, 2v2 and 3v3 etc etc, is a bad bad bad idea imo. |
Don't worry, they will also introduce new OP paid commanders for vanilla armies, to compete with the 2 new armies. |
Reset elo :
no, I don't want to roll over newbies/noobs again. Annoying for them, and for me.
Reset win/loss :
why ? to feel better watching your e-peen ?
And don't forget the 14 maphackers. If there is a stat reset, I hope they will keep their losses.
Actually, if they reset stats, I hope they will keep your old elo hidden for your first game : no 10 placement games, no noobstomp. But as long as you don't play 1 game, you don't appear on the ladder. That way, it will "purge" the ladder of players who are not playing anymore. Decay is good, but not fast enough.
Going for T1 vs pio spam = auto lose.
cons and maxim, that's what you need. |