Ever seen a 2v2+ Starcraft tournament? Didn't think so.
It kinda bothers me that they committed less than $2500 for this, and missed on the chance to host an offline finals at their offices. They could've shown people they were serious about this.
eSports has many other brands running leagues with team play involved in other games. Not saying that they are RTS games, but Team play and eSports is a thing. Maybe they don't do team play tourneys in Star Craft, but why would you compare that game to this, other than it being a RTS. Playing in team games may not be competitive in Start Craft, but whos to say Coh2 can't be competitive in team play.
I have helped run 2v2 tourneys in Coh2, with little to no problems. In this fact, I have ran the tourney's with no prizes, and the players stayed involved and active. Running team events can be done because I have proven it.
