I have a facecam aswell!
I try my best to make it all personal, I mean I even have nicknames for all of my followers with long names 
Tipps for a good start in streaming. First of all the game. Different kind of games has still a different kind of viewers. Coh2 for example has around 200-300 viewers. Other games more or less. Till you have an amount of constant viewers reached you should not switching between a lot of games. If you arent a letsplayer or still someone who has a big amount of subs on youtube.
One of the very important questions you should first at all ever ask your self first. Why want you stream. Answers like because i want money or i dont know is totally wrong. Remember that if you stream your pc need a lot more of power. Which could be noticed in ingame and to for your hardware. Which has because of the higher usage a lower lifetime.
One of the most important things in streaming is to have success, be active with the chat. Follower allerts which are special created do a good job to get mlre people in. The title. Use a tital which is clear about what you are doing. Entertain your people. Different ways to do that. First of talk a lot. Explain why you do what you do. Talk to viewers. Explain the game. Tell something about your day. Reallife or what you will do next. Streaming only 1 time a week is bad. You should stream so often like you can. Be active in other streams to get involed more and realised from other streamers and other people. If you are a very good player. Like top 10 you will have a lot easier time to get more people in your stream. Next step. Stream quality. Best stream quality to start is with obs in 2000-2500kbit/s upload and 720p30fps. That could almost watch every viewer. Dont set to much informations in your overlays. They should be clear and not take a big part of the screen. Webcam is not that important. But if you have one. There is no way why you shouldnt use them. People want see you. Want recognize you. And know who is behind that voice. Never forgot. Streaming should happen with love and not with i want money or i want get famous. Start with low aims and you will see that your stream will grow slowly. Another way to get more viewer. Stream at times where noone else known is streaming. A lot lf people will look and recognize your stream more. Anyway hope that this help a bit. Im not right now available. Because im in holidays and have bad connections. If you want know more. Or have question feel free to ask me.