What i have for patchnotes:
Central area and cutoffs:
Building reduced to 51% health. They will go down way faster now.
Furthermore i have moved the cutoffs away from the buildings. They are still in range but no longer in close range and/or "jump in-and-out" range.
adjusted the LoS objects at the church to mimic the cap situation on the other map side.
added negative cover to the road next to the church to mimic the street design from the other side of the map.
Both VPs:
Building reduced to 54% health. They will go down way faster now (compared to the old full health version).
added some LoS objects and adjusted the cover to get use of the new LoS objects.
moved the VP points away from the building (no jump-in-and-out capping).
increased the gap at the dragon teeth line for vehicles.
General adjustments:
moved some steel bars at the dragon teeth road blocks to enforce vehicle path finding. I have adjusted one or two minor objects/things.
added a new cutoff for the munition. Map has now 4 cutoff points.
Fixed the basebunkers
Since the buidingschanges are in, I guess Lordrommel failed somehow?