Stop with the false sympathy.
Atleast the people who wish this to be true genuinely have reason for wishing it to be so.
They didn't approve of or appreciate the work of these people.
You may disagree with that, but atleast its sincere.
You on the otherhand, are just mouthing some empty platitudes in a parody of sincerity.
You dont give a shit. Your hopes and best wishes also dont mean a shit.
If they really have been fired, and you really feel this sincerely about it, then send them some money.
Words are empty. On both sides of this.
But atleast one side is sincere.
Go away Nullist. You were already permabanned once for being a troll.
I've known Brad for years now and consider him to be a friend, well to the extent that some one you've only ever met on the Internet to be a friend. We've played many different games together, hearing about him potentially losing his job sucks - both because I think he did a good job at balancing the game (given the way he was restrained from making the changes he really wanted to make) and because he was a really chill guy. I know the pain of losing a job with bills on the line, luckily I had planned ahead for an emergency but it still sucked. Probably the worst feeling in the world up to this point in my life (thankfully I haven't lost my parents yet... Or any children.) The sympathy is genuine as I truly believe this to be a major blow to the future of Coh2.
If you want to be toxic in a time like this or wish ill upon another human during circumstances that you're beyond ignorant of, be my guest. But don't drag me down to your level of pathetic/childish troll behavior.
Good day sir.