This game was very strange. Sage clearly had a victory....but his tanks, especially near the end refused to hit or even dmg infantry.
Something is really broke with US for this to be possible. A Tank not being able to kill a capping MG squad....seriously.
Paul.A.D doesn't realize how this game was a gift win. He clearly lost early and offered nothing of skill in the end. He even said he was playing terrible. I actually think Sage was just playing better....then once KT's like the game turned on a handicap for Paul.A.D and Sages shit would instadie or not hit anything. Strangest game I've ever seen. In fact it was infuriating. I understand there was probably a few options Sage could have tried instead of waiting on the VP.
Maybe....1 Priest could have helped instead of the craptastic M8A1. It was literally not helping him at all. I've seen them rock...but after this They looked awful. Can't even kill mg's.
This game solidifies why US need a super heavy in cases like this.
Every group can lay basic mines, and make super tanks but not US. They could in COH1. Why not now? |
Haaa... I'm fully disgusted. It's completely out of hand. All this woman talk. |
Yes. I've watched a few, lol. |
Change of tactics. Ended up fighting the same players... Part 2 ended much differently. |
Effective use of Ostruppens to allow a strong OKW late game. |
I agree. Winning and still complaining....worst type of trash.
They don't get laid enough or at all.... |
I lost the last game I played to this guy, then I decided to just use something I never use....Penals.
So I mixed in a sniper here and there but they weren't used as effectively as I would have liked.
A few really good things happened.
Early Puma dies to Guards instead of healing itself close by. Not sure what the guy was thinking. Perhaps he thought I sucked so he was just playing relaxed.
Hero t34 running over a lot of guys. I normally wait for ISU but I felt I needed some armor out there because he was using breakthrough tactics and capping stuff pretty often.
Key to victory might have been the FLAK trucking eating a satchel. LOL
ISU was there to just clean out the rest of the garbage. |
Yes. I blobbed more than I normally do because around every corner was paratroopers. But yea, I didn't care about him seeing my blob in that game. We were equal rank. would he mortar me?
Is what he could have done is used the IR arty but he never made any of those troops. |
Pretty good game vs US. I did managed to blow up his base a few times but I wasn't able to kill it. No biggie. By then I had a lot of infantry that was pretty much unstoppable. He even managed to kill my Flak Truck but it didn't matter.
Ended up using a lot of paradrops and M8s running around. That threw me off a bit but as you will see it was a GG all around. |
The fact that he failed so bad to win was worth it though wasn't it?
If the ability wasn't so strong the victory wouldn't be so sweet.
Funny how close he was to actually winning..... close.. OH so close.
I could taste the victory. But utterly shutdown with nothing at the funny. You really shut him down hard. I was shocked that you picked paras too. What made you use that doctrine so early? |