Thread: vs Andy26 Dec 2013, 00:58 AM
In reply to elchino7 =)
Doesn't mean it shouldn't be posted.
I've seen 1hr games with simcity players.
My point isn't that it's interesting or not, it's the manner they responded to the uploaded replay. Does it mean that a player who beats andy needs to ask him, "Hey andy, before I post this replay, I just wanted to ask if you 'clearly didnt care about the game anyway' because it wasn't quite clear to me."
A game worth posting must have action, comeback, back and forth, nice gameplay not just rushing grens and dying all the time, i shouldnt have played today, i wasnt in the mood so the game itself is really boring, he can post whatever he wants, its just not getting any likes, thats all |
Thread: vs Andy25 Dec 2013, 21:49 PM
Soviet needs no Tiers to survive to call-in T34-85's with just conscripts and guards, sometimes people build T1 for snipoers or clown cars. Germans must tech to at least T3 because t2 is useless against insta 2 tanks from off-map.
Simple calculations
Soviets in best case: no tiers=0 Fuel + 240 Fuel for T34's = 240 Fuel
in worst case- 1st Tier + for example 2 clown cars = 80 Fuel +240 = 320 Fuel
(add to both 50 Fuel for molotovs and AT nades)
Germans now skipping T2 and going T3 Stug: 25+35+35+95 for stug = 190
with P4 it's 210
Now, 1 Stug is not enough to beat even 1 T34-85, it needs at least 2 and still it's not sure. 2x P4's will never beat 2x T34-85's.
2x stug cost is (with all techs) 285 Fuel.
2x P4 cost is 325.
Worth to note:
- soviets starts with insta 50 Fuel, Germans only with 10
- soviets will have more Fuel because they outcap germans with rapid conscripts from HQ
- T34-85's have biggest surprise power in the game - call-in with 2 great tanks is a game changer.
Now let's say Soviet don't have T34-85 call-in, he wanmts to get 2x T34-76
T1+T3+cons package+2x T34-76 - 40+90+50+170 = 350 Fuel.
Tons of MP must be also spend to get T34-76, something around 1k MP
Where's the logic to get T34-76 when you can get in cheapier way better versions of T34's?
Germans dont have good early call-in tanks at reasonable cost, Stug sucks, Tiger sucks vs soviet call-ins, Elefant is risky, easily rammable, P4 command tank cant do shit to T34's.
Best solution in current meta is to send T34-85 to T3 and it would require global upgrade to produce them
Barton for president MVGame |
Thread: vs Andy25 Dec 2013, 17:36 PM
why post a onesided game where i clearly didnt care about the game anyway, so boring it doesnt excist, clearly a pride post.. boring |
nice game vs feel |
Ridicolous how fast you can get heavy tanks by now, gg tho |
I find, it was a good game, very good game, the result was not sur till the end of the game.
during : 30-35 min
GG WP man  |
Hans had this game won then gave it away. He did this by floating way too much manpower mid-late game when he was near pop cap. To secure victory all he had to do was:
1) convert manpower to munitions by building munitions caches so he could upgrade grens to G43
2) convert manpower into non-pop cap unit by Building Bunkers on left side VP to stop harrassment and any other cut off being harrassed.
3) As Dane Said, vet his P4's
I get the feeling Hans wanted to test the Tiger Ace against a solid/top player, so I suppose the Manpower float was intentional (to compensate for the 10 min resource stop), but I think this game illustrates that you are better off completing the German "late game steps" listed above (1&2) THEN start floating MP for Tiger Ace, essentially making Tiger Ace an after-late-game german choice.
So.... you support TA?!!! |
Such an amazing game, tried a new tactic, had some micro issues but turned out to be a really great game, Enjoy! |
ITT ePeen-stuff.
The game was pretty bad tbh, not that the players are. When the two players float 1400MP and 700MP at the same time, I don't know what to say.
I should have stopped the replay way before the TA hit the field. Now you're warned.
There are reasons to float manpower, you never know what you will need, no need to spam useless units just to keep your manpower low... |
Of course you don't. I'll make a small list for you.
1: Despite having a much better early game, Hans decided that the best thing to do was sit on a lot of MP throughout the entire game.
2: Hans lower multitasking skills meant that his units were in his base for much longer than Andys
3: Hans made 0 use of his doctrine. G43 grenadiers could have easily stopped any conscript harrasment on the left flank. He had plenty of MP for a munitions cash in order to get them.
4: Despite having plenty of MP for it, Hans decided to get a mortars extremely late. He then did not vet them up, and kept them way too far back and not shooting for most of the time. Andy's main defensive units were field guns, which could have been easily cleared out or pushed out of the center with active mortar use.
5: When finally deciding to drop some supplies for the tiger ace, he totally botched the assault and dropped down to 46 supply. He lost over half his army while he only needed to lose 24 supply. In return, he did no damage.
But yeah, his ace only pushed the IS-2 of the field with a sliver of health twice. That must be why he lost. The unit seriously needs a buff!
2 Tiger Ace instead of 1!!!! |