Short barreled Stug is actually called via this ability: "stug_iii_e" (just add it to the _vehicleAbilities table)
Commander tank can be disabled by adding "armor_commander" to the _vehicleAbilities table.
Code in the tutorial will be updated in the near future, thanks to computerheat.
For the meanwhile, here is the updated table:
local _vehicleAbilities = {
"mechanized_grenadier_group", "supply_truck", "tiger_tank", "mortar_halftrack", "elefant_unlock", "tiger_tank_ace", "stug_short_barrel", "stug_iii_e", "armor_commander",
"mechanized_assault_group", "cmd_kv-8_unlock_mp", "cmd_advanced_t34_85_medium_tank", "cmd_t34_85_medium_tank", "cmd_isu-152", "cmd_is2_heavy_tank", "cmd_kv-1_unlock", "kv-2",
Thank you for reporting the missing vehicles!