This map is going to be pure arty cancer every single mid- to lategame. Same as all the other maps that have this layout. (especially Hamlet).
The map is good but why make the bases so close to each other?
This was a decision I struggled with throughout the development of the map. At first the bases were in the far corners, but this made the map feel absolutely huge. Furthermore it skewed the balance between factions with FRPs and those without.
Because I had focused on the map being so wide, I kept having to move the bases closer towards the center to strike as best a balance as I could.
The final version does have an invisible shotblocking wall in the bases perimeter through the south base's forest grove and top base's building row. This was mostly to balance how the buildings in the north already absorb a great deal of rocket artillery and onmap artillery shells. The trees could be easily shot through. It is my hope that this might sufficiently reduce the effectiveness of that artillery spam on base sectors.
I did make a conscious effort to provide strong (and sneaky) flanking opportunities to reduce the safety of artillery units as much as possible to counteract this problem as well. In my opinion this is the largest factor that validates the bases being so close together. It's only cancer if you can't even get to those artillery units.
I appreciate the concern, though. I tried to address as much as possible with the (lack of) feedback I received through the course of development and the contest. I hope it holds up.