I didn't see anything about Shift to queue orders
Remember that you can instantly snap to a unit by double-tapping its control group key. Similarly, if you don't know where your sniper is when he starts yelling about how he's about to die, just tap the hotkey and tap the retreat key. He'll run home and you never have to move your camera or hunt for his unit shield on the top-right of your screen. Same works for giving attack-move orders through the minimap (good for AT guns)
Whenever I want to check if I have idle squads in my base, I double-tap F1. That immediately moves the camera to the HQ. It's probably better to do this via the tactical map.
Clicking on the minimap is way faster than moving the camera around by the screen edges. Pressing the tac map key and then double-clicking on an area also works, probably better if you can remember to do it.
Re tac map: I try to remember to open the tac map at the start of the match because it usually takes it about 1 second to open the first time, but is instant after that.
Also, do everything Lemon said.