I spelt your name wrong indeed(And I'm not going to fix it), but I think you know that I was referring to you in my post. My post is absolutely right though and I didn't misquote anything; you despise the competitive CoH community and will do anything to see it erased from existence, hence why you compared competitive CoH players to the Taliban. Unfortunately for you, Relic relies on both the competitive CoH community as well as the single player community, so the competitive CoH community won't be dead anytime soon thankfully.
@ Voltar
CoH Online was a failure of epic proportions. It got shut down almost immediately because the transaction model they used was the wrong kind and implemented horribly, the balance was a disgrace...actually scratch that, I don't think there was any semblance of balance in CoH Online. I played CoH Online myself and I was there when it got shut down; the average amount of players was around 1500 whenever I played, and apparently my estimate of the playerbase isn't off since several people have also stated that the average amount of users online at any moment was around 2000.
CoH Online was a failure commercially, and just an outright disaster for competitive players and anyone who defends it needs to re-educate themselves.
Is this guy seriously still impersonating me? |
Hello i am a top 10 2v2 play from coh 1, you probably remember me if you're from gr.org. i would be happy to play 2v2's with you, as my germans are quite good. |
I just found out about this site about a week ago after logging onto Gamereplays, and finding out that the Company of Heroes section on that site is practically dead, which is unfortunate since I was going to test my luck and send in an application for a Writers position, but there's no point in doing so since it's dead. I'm hoping this site is a bit more active than the Gamereplays CoH forum.
Also, I remember quite a few names on this site from Gamereplays so it seems i'm not the only one who left the sinking ship(Gamereplays CoH section).
Also, someone took my original name as well(REforever1911) so i'm going to use the name "REforever" for now; and yes, i'm the infamous REforever1911 from Gamereplays and I was in the top10 ranked 2v2 for Company of Heroes 1.
Please don't listen to this person, they are trying to impersonate me I guess  There are a few ex gr.org members that can verify me as the real REForever1911 if they are still around. |
Golraeder, Nystrom, Aimstrong, Sepha, Aniketos, Sweix, SiberianPlatoon, Underdark, Dr. Horse, Surprise
If it was 2v2 I might squeak onto that list, but I assume you mean 1v1. |
Thread: Hello8 Dec 2012, 21:48 PM
I mostly lurked on gr.org, but I look forward to being much more active on this site. See you all on the forums! |
I have been looking at their source code and it looks quite promising, much less buggy than I would expect for a beta release. |
Considering it's a Canadian company, it will be out in Q2 at the latest. |
Thread: Huite25 Nov 2012, 20:03 PM
Have a lot in common with huite. I enjoy our long talks about history together on skype. |
I really would like infantry to be able to ride on top of the tanks, as that would allow me to better immerse myself in the game. |
Unlike most americans, I always disable ad block to ensure that companies are paid their due, otherwise I would just be a common criminal. |