I like CoH2. However, despite a near seven-year addiction to the franchise I feel my passion waning. I keep looking at other games out of the corner of my eye, imagining what it would be like to spend more time with them. I'm also seeing an old flame occasionally, on the QT (she's called vCoH).
Why is this? How can I keep the love alive? I'm hardly a flash-in-the-pan or fairweather CoH fan. And there's lots I love about CoH2. I just want to get our mojo back.
You are experiencing the classical 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. From your post, I assume that you are somewhere between bargaining and depression. What you should do is play Coh casually with your friends, while keeping an eye open for new games. Rockpapershotgun.com is a good place for that. With time you will accept that Coh2 is not as good as the original, and that is ok, because Coh was the best game there ever has been in my opinion. If this helps: a lot of people feel the same way as you do. Upon release, 20,000 people played Coh2 on steam. That number has already dwindled to 6,000. Maybe it's time to move on to other games/hobbies before the wait time for finding a good game increases dramatically?