General Information
D) You're forgetting how marketing works. They don't tell everything right away. They slowly built it up towards the release. Even with 2 months to do this in that should hardly be a massive obstacle since usually the problem is there is too much time and you don't want to reveal it all in one go and have people bored for half a year.
So not exactly sure why you're expecting them to put it all in the table since it's only been about a week or two since the expansion was announced.
Panzershrecks are costly. and the Panzergrenadiers are 4 man squads. In most cases where they get run out in the open they tend to get punished for it. And even risk dropping panzershrecks.
Also they do not have the range of a tank, in fact it is less. Also noting that upgrading a Panzergrenadier squad with panzershrecks markedly reduces their anti-infantry capability. And a well placed infantry squad can usually do quite a bit of work on them.
There is something wrong with the StuG ?.. Someone needs to tell my StuGs that. I generally get a lot of mileage out of them. The question is how you employ them. They're assault guns. Not tanks. You keep something infront of them to act as a screen. Used like that and when using the range of the StuG it performs well. It's hardly an ostwind when it comes to infantry. But it can usually give a reckless player a swift kick if he plays too loosely.
The StuG has a high RoF, decent penetration. Alright AI (not good) and is reasonably priced. Throw in target weakpoint and currently it's one of my favorite methods for dealing with an IS2. 2 StuGs, and that IS2 will usually find itself in trouble due to the high RoF but also target weakpoint.
And generally you want to have a pair of StuGs roaming together, not too close, but just close enough so they can easily support each other and fire at the same targets.
As for the Su76. That thing is all about numbers. Get 3 of them at least. And then you're having yourself a fun time. The high RoF on these things combined with the barrage ability means you'll be peppering your opponent with shots. and having 3 of them barraging an enemy position can make most opponents a bit nervous. Plus they have 60 range so if you're playing sensibly. You'll be doing your work from range with them. Just ensure there is something to screen them from enemy armour rushing or Panzergrenadiers with panzershrecks. Plus tracking is never a bad ability to have either.
So if you're having trouble with your assault guns. I'd argue the issue lies with you. They're assault guns. Not Heavy tanks. If you're finding them too squishy. Well then you're probably trying to use them like tanks and failing miserably. Don't. Have them support your infantry or your tanks. And get a pair of them. Assault guns perform better that way.
Since when was a SCOUT car meant to take on a large enemy force headon ? It seems to me like you're looking for a tank. Not a scout car.
The Scout car is for rapid raids, harrasment and other such fun things. Not driving headlong into a concentrated enemy force. And even then it did a lot of damage. I mean killing one Pioneer squad already paid for most of the cost. And if you'd simply repaired it using those combat engineers you had in it. You could easily have sorted the rest of the bastards.
Hardly Relic's fault that you're refusing to do proper vehicle maintenance