I guess those 3-4 volks grens were dressing up as fallschrimjagers.
I didn’t leave because of shame, I left because you guys supplement CoH friends for real life friends and get in call for hours per day not even playing CoH.
As for the minimal $10 bet I did, I would of taken that sweet ass $10s if I didn’t have to leave halfway. Got to rank 30 something.
I only even played 1s because Paxy boy with his 3k games and a learning disability was talking shit. I didn’t have any personal interest for really reaching it just to prove I could other than to flex on Paxy boy.
No, you got rekted and fell back a bunch of ranks back to the 60s, stopped replying to Pax asking you why you were not top 10 weeks after the deadline and then you left without saying a word.
Imagine being proud of 2-1 when you got rekted by Scipio and AceHiro omegalul dude
Post top 10 usf 1v1 or bow your head in shame and go away, you’re basically embarrassing yourself at this point with all the coping. Noone cares about your sorry ass crying about how bad 1v1 is, you said you were a top player and you’d get top 10 usf easily, bet money on it and then you got passed around ladder like a prostitute by rank 100s. Put up or shut up.