ok, I see I get this note on my coh folder: Warning:
RELICCOH started at 2013-09-15 19:38
OS NT 6.1 (sp1.0) x64, 16322MB Physical Memory, 12044 Physical Available, 3947 Virtual Available
WORKING-DIR F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch
USER MrAlmegard
19:38:42.83 4 Logical Processors detected
19:38:42.83 Multithreading Enabled
19:38:42.83 THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
19:38:42.83 XTHREAD: Detected 4 core(s) with 4 hardware thread(s)
19:38:42.83 XTHREAD: Main thread now used as XThread 0
19:38:42.84 XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 1
19:38:42.84 XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 2
19:38:42.84 XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 3
19:38:42.84 MATHBOX -- Version=6, Cpu=Intel Pentium M:f=6,m=12, Mode=SSE
19:38:42.85 SYSTEMCONFIG -- Failed to load configuration from 'userdata:configuration.lua'.
19:38:43.00 GAME -- Company Of Heroes, 2.700.0, Build live.2.700.0, Type live, Language spanish
19:38:43.01 MOD -- Mounting RelicDLC1, 1.0
19:38:43.02 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\MrAlmegard\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC1\Movies\'
19:38:43.02 MOD -- Mounting RelicDLC2, 1.0
19:38:43.02 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\MrAlmegard\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC2\Movies\'
19:38:43.02 MOD -- Mounting RelicDLC3, 1.0
19:38:43.02 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\MrAlmegard\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC3\Movies\'
19:38:43.02 MOD -- Mounting RelicOps, 1.0
19:38:43.02 MOD -- Mounting RelicCoH, 1.0
19:38:43.04 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\MrAlmegard\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Engine\Movies\'
19:38:43.04 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\MrAlmegard\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\WW2\Movies\'
19:38:43.07 GAME -- Resetting fp control word.
19:38:44.34 WW2Mod -- PropertyBagManager Loaded in 1.270000s
19:38:44.37 NET -- NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager
19:38:44.37 NET -- SteamService: region is [ES]
19:38:44.37 NET -- SessionInternal: Instantiating
19:38:44.37 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 202
19:38:44.37 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 201
19:38:44.37 NET -- Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
19:38:44.37 NET -- Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
19:38:44.37 Loaded 589 badwords from data
19:38:44.37 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 0
19:38:44.37 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 1
19:38:44.37 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 2
19:38:44.37 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 3
19:38:44.37 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 4
19:38:44.37 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 5
19:38:44.37 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 6
19:38:44.37 NET -- Net::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
19:38:44.37 NET -- Transport:
urgeConnections - high water mark is 1
19:38:44.37 NET -- SteamLoginService:
etConnected: Steam connection established
19:38:44.37 NET -- OnConnect: successful connection established, enabling reconnect
19:38:44.37 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:
tartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
19:38:44.37 NET -- OnConnect: this wasnt a reconnect, no need for autologin
19:38:44.37 NET -- SteamLoginService:
19:38:44.37 NET -- AccountInternal::IsProfileSelected - no profile, no associated profile event.
19:38:44.37 NET -- OnLogin: no previous login, auto selecting profile not required
19:38:44.37 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:
tartDynamic - job SelectProfileAsync, parent AccountInternal
19:38:44.37 NET -- SteamLoginService:
nLoginChanged done
19:38:44.37 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:
tartDynamic - job GetRelationshipAsync, parent RelationshipCache
19:38:44.37 NET -- Profile selected on controller#0
19:38:44.37 NET -- AccountInternal::IsProfileSelected - no profile, no associated profile event.
19:38:44.37 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:
eleteJob - job SelectProfileAsync, parent AccountInternal
19:38:44.37 GAME -- Available memory: 16322MB Physical RAM, 16320MB Pagefile, 4095 Virtual Address Space
19:38:44.60 DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx10.dll'.
19:38:44.62 DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx9.dll'.
19:38:44.62 DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
19:38:44.68 SPDx10 -- Adapter [NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780]: 2994MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 1101MB shared system memory.
19:38:47.22 DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
19:38:47.23 SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX10 Rendering Device] version[4,36]
19:38:47.23 GAME -- Resolution set to 1360x768 (fullscreen).
19:38:47.25 SPDx10 -- Adapter Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780
19:38:47.25 SPDx10 -- Driver Vendor = 0x000010de Device = 0x00001004 SubSys = 0x84691043 Rev = 0x000000a1
19:38:47.25 SPDx10 -- Driver Version Product = 0x0009 Version = 0x0012 SubVersion = 0x00 Build = 320.49
19:38:47.25 SPDx10 -- Driver LUID = 0x00000000-0x00009814
19:38:47.25 SPDx10 -- 2994MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 1101MB shared system memory available.
19:38:47.25 ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps40]