Interesting topic. I for one remembering writing about the difference between strategy and tactics in a dissertation for my extended project a while back.
In a nutshell I wrote strategy was the overall way in which one utilizes their resources through planning and coordination. Whereas tactics are the way in which one goes about applying these resources in the best possible way during a battle.
So another set of examples similar to ami's would be
Strategy: The build order you have already got in mind and where abouts on the map you want to head for.
Tactics: Reacting to what you enemy is doing. E.g He decides to go for your cut off and you plant mines and set a position with your troops to stop him from doing so.
Haha great picture =D. Thanks for sharing it Bobby. If you get a chance please post the pictures from the dinner. I am sure we would all love to see them ^.^
CE all the way. CoH has been one of the best PC games I have ever played and has given me so many hours of fun. I have never bought any special editions of games or extras before but for a sequel to CoH that's the one game I would definitely splash out on.