Final statement: Crime organization took power in Ukraine, supported by western countries,
a German perspective: the role of western countries/Germany in supporting a partly crime organization has never been discussed broadly. The image is still: we are the west. We are good. So is what we did. Putin is evil. He must change his behaviour because he is doing wrong.
That is the press echo.
On the other hand you now have people in the street here in Germany, demonstrating (PEGIDA). And one of their founding statements was: stop pushing towards war and escalation with Russia.
And on the topic of Russia, there is a fierce debate going on of media accusing the public of being an organized mob against media on exactly this topic, Ukraine.
It went so far that some newspapers changed their policies on user comments or closed them.
But I see little change in perspective. It has been like that for a while.
could be a fun thread.