I've had enough of this. Invis'd all posts that were flaming/trolling/not about the replay. Last chance for all of you, discuss the replay or it will be locked and removed.
Replays or it didn't happen. Guess what I banged Kate Upton, I have absolutely no way of proving it but you should just take my word for it. Besides last time a COHEXPERT challenged me to a rematch/bo3, this happened, which is why I don't bother. Von if you're trying to prove something, next time don't spam Maxims/T70s/whatever else is currently absurd and maybe someone outside of your cult will care, this is no more impressive than a Roo/Stag spam pridepost.
What do we think of keeping the Pak as it is but with the old vCoH cloak / crit ability?
I honestly think it should be able to cloak all the time, that way it's worth it getting taken out easily since it's only manned by 3 people and is very inaccurate/horrible penetration.