Need some help with the Soviet MG Trench. Have cloned it for use by the British, and have changed the weapon that spawn with the trench, from the soviet variant to the Vickers K variant.
When I build it in game it works, and fires on enemies, but the crew don't show. So at the moment its basically and invisible crew manning the Vickers K, even though I have added the commando squad to man it.
How can I change it so the crew actually show? |
German was not correct, as this weapon is used by the sturmpioneers.
But when I use west_german, or just "..\\..\\weapons\\smg_mp44_default\\smg_mp44_default",
it's invisible.
I managed to give them the weapon (I tried all the other smg_mp44 that were in the weapons) and one is working, but it's using a slightly different model (as you can see the wooden stock is kinda brighter) but every time they die, they drop the infrared version.
I don't know how to fix this, or make it so that they normally use the stg44 and when they die they drop the correct model, and when you have the commander which gives them infrared scopes then they use that and drop that model when they die.
You are able to change what weapon will spawn, when its dropped. Cant remember exactly where though. But think it is under "weapon" or the "slot_item" category in the attribute editor. |
Try this.
model =
-- Main Mesh
If you want the squad to use weapons from other factions, you need to provide the correct path. so in this case: "..\\..\\..\\german\\ |
Hi there community.
Have a question regarding paradropped equipment.
I basically cloned the aef airborne ability that paradrops a AT-Gun. I replaced the at gun create with the crate that spawns a jeep.
The ability works fine, except once the WC51 have dropped, am not able to re-crew it?
What am I can I be missing here? |
How and where do I play with the attach options? can remember to have seen that? |
How on earth are you able to create those custom emplacements? holy crap that looks awesome  |
Well probably cause the weapon is linked to german faction
model =
-- Main Mesh
Try this. |
model =
-- Main Mesh
this is how it should look like in the abp. file.
if you want your squad to spawn with the mp40 you can change their loadout in the attribute editor. Under combat_ext in ebps.
Need some help here.
I have 3 different upgrades, that I want the player to be able to purchase. (u1, u2, u3).
The player should be able to purchase all 3, but once you buy 1 of the upgrades, the price will go up on the remaining 2, an then again when you purchase upgrade 2, the cost will increase for the last upgrade.
The player should also be able to choose witch one he wants first.
Currently I've tried with apply_action, where I created a requirement_action, require player_upgrade. Then at the modifier I added change_cost something.
So basically its something like this: require_player_upgrade_u2/u1 / modifier/ Change_upgrade_cost u3
Not sure if I managed to explain this good enough. Hopefully I did. How can I achieve this? |
Thanks  Finally got it to work  |