mh just my 2cent^^
i think the kv8 comes at the right time with the right costs (maybe increase the mp to fit kv1) its the hardconter to heady inf play of germans.
so far its ok, but there should be a possibility to kill it even without german armor. its totaly stupid that the kv8 can realy easy kill a german atgun which should be your backbone.
sure it comes at the same time like a tiger
but keep in mind that germans already are in a more worse position then soviets.
they need a lot of fuel and a lot of mun
while soviets only need fuel and can spam the map with cheap mines which are good vs tanks and inf while the german mines are more expensive and cant be spammed.
all in all my oppinion is that in 90% of my games its easier to win as soviets then with germans.
+1 Totally agree, imo At gun should be a hard counter to EVERY viechle